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Forums Hilly Forested Areas

This topic contains 41 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Manasi Nair 10 years, 11 months ago.

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 43 total)
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  • Swaen

    Hi Manasi,

    In Uruguay we have plenty of options + we are in summer right now (so you can get long 14 daylight hrs, sunny & warm )

    We will be happy to help you out


    Hello Manasi link below to an example of what we have to offer in Ireland.

    Best Nigel

    Dear Manasi,

    Send in your script or storyboard we should be able to help you out with the locations in Sri Lanka. thank you.

    Priyanga T. Kumarasiri,
    Crew For Shoots,
    Sri Lanka.

    Mobile : +94 777 891 711
    Skype : priyanga.cfs
    WWW :
    REEL :

    Hi Manasi,

    Attached, please find some photos of hills with forests in Poland.
    There’s much more, if you’re interested to look into shooting in Poland, email us or give as a call with a brief.
    We’ll send you a complete location options package.

    Have a nice day,
    Best Regards,
    Marta Habior
    mob: + 48 603 486 287

    Hi Manasi,
    why don’t you consider this pinewood located in the famous Capri Island, Italy?
    It’s an amazing place, with pine trees, historical Roman ruins and an incredible ocean view…!
    I can send you more pictures if you contact me.
    All the best,
    Capri Location Service

    Hi Manasi,
    why don’t you consider this pinewood located in the famous Capri Island, Italy?
    It’s an amazing place, with pine trees, historical Roman ruins and an incredible ocean view…!
    I can send you more pictures if you contact me.
    All the best,
    Capri Location Service

    Hi Manasi,
    why don’t you consider this pinewood located in the famous Capri Island, Italy?
    It’s an amazing place, with pine trees, historical Roman ruins and an incredible ocean view…!
    I can send you more pictures if you contact me.
    All the best,
    Capri Location Service

    Andrew Hodge

    Hi Manassi,

    Could it be possible to get an email from you just to tell if you are interested in our locations or not ?

    Many thanks,


    hi manasi ,
    i would love to suggest you to find an person in south india near ooty , or find a location person in hemachal . you will get your location and everything in india only .
    best of luck .

    Dharmendra singh
    +91 9833084766
    Skype- dharmendra1232

    Andy Ross

    Dear Manasi,
    Croatia with its mountains and lakes is ideal for your needs.
    Please don’t hesitate to ask for more pictures and information.
    You can contact me on or my private e-mail:


    Mladen Medic
    Istra Film Locations

    Hi Mansai,

    We have a great range of forested hills on our beautiful island, in particular the thick trucked Canarian Pines could be of interest to you.
    Here is a small selection of reference pics which may suit your brief. Please don´t hesitate to get in contact with me.

    Best regards,
    Marie Clare
    Blackstone Film Company
    M. 0034 670 541 398

    Ivano Fucci

    Hello Manasi,
    My name is Romina and I am producer at Casta Diva Pictures in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I believe we have the perfect locations for you in Patagonia with the most beautiful landscapes and hilly forested areas. Here are just a few pictures for you to see.
    If you’d send us the boards we could send you a quotation a more location pictures.

    Romina Kivatinetz

    Hi Mansai,

    We have a great range of forested hills on our beautiful island, in particular the thick trucked Canarian Pines could be of interest to you.
    Here is a small selection of reference pics which may suit your brief. Please don´t hesitate to get in contact with me.

    Best regards,
    Marie Clare
    Blackstone Film Company
    M. 0034 670 541 398

    Mainul Khan


    Filip Zafran

    Hello Manasi,
    we would warmly recommend Croatia as a suitable option.
    As a land it is film friendly and cheap to shoot in and also easy to access..
    We can offer various locations, some attached to this post.
    Please feel free to contact me if in need of additional information.
    Kind regards,

    Filip Žafran
    cro: +385 (0) 95 55 111 58

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 43 total)

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