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Forums Pre-Production Forum I’am looking for rye field…

This topic contains 6 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Vareevan Arunsilp 19 years, 2 months ago.

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  • Situation is a little bit complication,because in this time there is no any rye fields.Maybe someone have experience to build it or somewhere have make it.Maybe there is a company who can make it in area ~20 m2?
    Thank you.

    Hi, as you say no rye fields around this time of year, but here in Cape Town, South Africa we have very experienced Art Directors and Greensmen and Set Builders that can create your ideal field in a great Summer location. mail me on if you would like to take it further. Best regards, Martin Heynecke, Producer, Cyclone Films

    There are Rye fields bloming in late January in Argentina, Uruguay and Chile

    Lorenzo Benedick
    executive producer
    Vagabond Films
    51 wooster street
    new york, ny-10013
    t. +1-212-431-4446
    c +1-917-689-4270
    usa – argentina – brazil – chile – venezuela – uruguay
    a film production service company

    Would another crop work as a subsitute?
    Lynn Birdwell

    Matt Long

    More info please. TVC, Movie or what ? Length of shot / sequence ? Date of proposed shoot ? This will affect whether fields have are mature fully grown or just planted. Australia would be ideal depending on dates. Geoff Morrow, Giraffe Productions, Melbourne Australia.

    Matt Long

    More info please. TVC, Movie or what ? Length of shot / sequence ? Date of proposed shoot ? This will affect whether fields have are mature fully grown or just planted. Australia would be ideal depending on dates. Geoff Morrow, Giraffe Productions, Melbourne Australia.

    Hi Ieva
    I’ve done research on the Rye in South Africa. There are 2 kinds of Rye. Rye Wheat and Rye Grass. Which one are you after? This is a winter crop and stays green throughout winter and then becomes brown during the summer season. In SA we have in some areas only the Rye Grass. I have been in contact with the Agricultural Ass in SA and are still trying to locate were you can find fields if any. I also compared the Rye flower to the Wheat Flower. Rye is much finer and longer than wheat, But from a distance you can’t tell the diffrence between the two. Rye and wheat gets harvest around the middle to end of January or Area dependant. I think the best option is to create this field in a area to your needs. South Africa Greens People are top of their class. I hope we can issist you in your project.

    When do you plan to shoot?
    Frans Marais
    Research Manager
    Moonlighting Film Production Services

    Barb Chupa

    Hi Ieva,
    There are quite a few rye fields in South Australia, where our Production Company Nylon Films are based. However the fields are reaped in November or December. They are sown in May or June. So it depends on when you were looking to shoot, as to whether this time frame would suit you or not.
    South Australia has a wide variety of locations, a good example of some of them can be seen on our web site Production costs are low in South Australia, and the quality of crew is very high. Just some benefits for you to think about! Pls do not hesitate to call or email for more details. Best Wishes, Ruth Coady.

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