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Forums Pre-Production Forum Lake needed

This topic contains 39 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Laura Girtaite 13 years, 10 months ago.

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 41 total)
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  • Sue Elliott

    Hi laura
    Please find attached location ref pictures of a lake located 2 x hours drive from our office in the south of France.Winters are very mild here and I think the attached location pictures could well suited for your project;
    Should you need to talk to me fore more details,please do not hesitate to give me a call
    Antoine Sabarros
    Line Producer
    Bay Vista
    Tel+ 33 493 710 140

    /Users/antoine/D/Users/antoine/Desktop/Lake South of France /Users/antoine/Desktop/Lake South of France 3.jpg4.jpgesktop/Lak/Users/antoine/Desktop/Lake South of France 4.jpge South of France 2.jpg

    Hello! I´m Verónica of Salamanca Film Commission another time. I send you more places that can interest you.

    Place: Salvatierra de Tormes

    If you are interested in someone of them, you can send us an email to:;


    Maybe Macedonia is your location for shooting.
    Winter time is very suitable for shooting.

    Please do not hesitate to contact us for further photos and info.


    Sektor Film

    +389 71 325 357


    I’m an executuve producer in Croatia
    So, You can find in croatia, close to the sea side few lakes. In attachment one of the easy one. Weather conditions are like on the mediterranean climate. Between 15 to 20 ° actually.

    Hi Laura,

    Sri Lanka would be ideal for this as we have summer 365 days of the year. We have enough lakes and tanks to match your location requirement.

    For further information please contact us on or visit us at


    Priyanga T. Kumarasiri
    Mobile: +94 777 891 711

    Laura Grey

    Hello laura, the average temperatures for the reservoirs I posted, in the outside would be about 7ºC so water would be warmer. Vegetation is very ressembling and some of the reservoirs especially in Alava have no mountains but a view to green fields.

    Kind regards,
    Daniel Peña

    Hi there ,

    its Frank from Island Film here in Habana,Cuba. We have some great Lake Location and even
    better Weather Conditions this time of year .
    If you send me a script I will get back to you with an estimate asap .

    thanks and have a great Day



    Hi Laura,

    Have you considered the UK.

    I’m thinking particularly of Scotland. Due to the Gulf Stream the lakes won’t be frozen, but they will look a lot like Lithuania because of the latitude of Scotland. It will be cold…..

    I hope this helps,

    +447976 289 580


    Hi Laura,

    Have you considered the UK.

    I’m thinking particularly of Scotland. Due to the Gulf Stream the lakes won’t be frozen, but they will look a lot like Lithuania because of the latitude of Scotland. It will be cold…..

    I hope this helps,

    +447976 289 580

    Dear Mrs. Girtaile,

    We are contacting you from Malaga Film Office. We are a non-profit public organisation funded by the local City Council of Malaga and created with the mission to promote our film-friendly city, and the one-stop film office covering filming permits and municipal coordination within the city capital of Malaga. It is with great pleasure to inform you that filming in Malaga is free from city location fees for all non-commercial shoots and for commercial shoots there is only a very minimal daily fee. In addition, our very special and unique incentive; ALL shoots on the public beaches of Malaga are completely free from location fees.

    In regards to your petition, we suggest reservoirs and rivers. We have El Limonero reservoir and Guadalhorce and Guadalmedina rivers here in Malaga city (you can see pictures attached). In case you want to shoot in Malaga you should fill out our film permit application at

    In the same province there are: El Chorro reservoir (an hour away from the city) La Viñuela reservoir (half an hour away from Malaga) and La Laguna de Fuentepiedra, (an hour away from the city)

    In order to shoot in rivers, reservoirs and pools in Malaga city and province you could contact Cuenca Mediterranea Andaluza by calling country code 34-951 299 881 or 34-951 299 900 and/or visit their website for further information:

    We will just point out that the following are some of the services we offer also entirely free of charge to all film shoots in Malaga:

    · Film Permits processed in only 5 business days.

    · Coordination of Police and Traffic flow management during film shoots.

    · Availability of Public Local Authority Locations; Historical & Cultural heritage monuments, Contemporary buildings, Beaches, Tropical Gardens, Mountains, and more.

    · Assistance in finding specific Locations.

    · Assistance in local Production Logistics contacts; Transport, Accommodation, Catering, Castings, and more.

    · Assistance in Local Crew & Company Contacts from our Production Directory.

    · Assistance in Audiovisual Legislation.

    Please visit our Website for more information on these services and for location images:

    Furthermore, we have over 2500 images on file of city locations available for filming, of which you can see an introduction on our website, and if you are searching for a specific location at any time please send us the brief and references and we will do our best to find it for you in Malaga!

    We hope you find this information helpful and hope that you may keep Malaga in mind for your next production! Please don’t hesitate to contact us further for any other information you need!

    We look forward to the possibility of working with you in the future!

    Best regards,

    María del Rocío Sánchez Quesada
    Production Assistant

    Hello! I´m Verónica of Salamanca Film Commission another time. I send you more places that can interest you.

    Place: Golpejas

    If you are interested in someone of them, you can send us an email to:;

    would all Spanish Film Commissions and Offices please do the local industry the favor to ONLY answer on this forum if they really HAVE suitable locations? Salamanca, Santiago de Compostela, Granada and Basque Country do NOT have the weather conditions to shoot a commercial with water sports there in January ! Outside temperature and water temperature would KILL your TALENT after a few minutes !!! And a recommendation to the Malaga Film Office: Please look at reference pictures of what is required before answering, since neither the Guadalhorce nor the Guadalmedina do meet the requirements of a Lithuanian lake !!
    In the name of all professional service productions in Spain- please, Film Commissions and Offices, stop trying to sell bananas instead of required apples in order to keep our reputation here clean !!!! Foreign producers will be thankful. Thanks !!

    Alex Cox

    I think Peter Soler’s advice here is very wise. Film Offices/Commission’s (especially Malaga’s) need to address the actual requirements listed and they need to be relevant. Putting in the same generic pitch every time for the region is not only ill-advised, but I think counter productive to both the film office concerned and the integrity of this forum. Once you are on the short-list you will have plenty of opportunities to present your incentives/advantages, but if I was a Client frequenting this site I would actually avoid some places as the indication from here is that they would give irrelevant and/or erroneous information, the last thing a Producer needs especially when he is relying on his Location people to meticulously tick all the boxes for the shoot. We need to keep this client friendly, and with 10s of thousands of Film Offices all over the world competing with each other no doubt we will come across this kind of thing again. Maybe we should email them directly when that occurs to remind them to “keep it real”.

    Chris Tangey

    Alice Springs Film and Television

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 41 total)

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