HI Lezly,
I’ve been luck enough to shoot
all through the Turpan basin
including the incredible fire
mountains and I must say one
definitely does need approval,
in fact, we had the Government
with us the whole way, they drove
our vehicles. Kim Taylor at Kaimu
would be a good contact to get
you through or October’s Beijing
I hope you get there, it’s incredibly beautiful.
Points to watch, the air is filled
with sand, dust and powder. The
powder gets into “everything” and
“everywhere” even places you would
think it couldn’t reach, even
personal places. It destroyed my
camera and also the stills
photographer’s camera. You can’t
go inside a car to change mags
because it’s in the air there too.
Also, it was so incredibly dry
the veins in our noses dried and
fell out as balls of blood…
it’s beyond bone dry. 47 degrees
Celcius and we were cooking eggs
on the bonnet of our 4WD.
You need to take goggles for your
eyes and masks or scarfs for your
mouth and nose. Some cotton wool
in your ears can help keep the
sand out, a little.
Whatever water you think you need…
triple it…
Good luck.
Dean Head ACS