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Forums Location to recreate 1950s(ish) British Seaside Town

This topic contains 17 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  jen lane 11 years ago.

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 19 total)
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  • jen lane


    I’m looking for a location to stand in for a British seaside town.

    Lots of clean lines in architecture. But slightly spooky. A cross between Martin Parr and David Lynch.

    Looking to shoot in March with good weather and long days.

    Any suggestions?



    How about Deal on the southcoast, which actually boasts a pier from 1954 and we think is a little spooky, too?

    If you are interested, give us a call on 0300 333 5656 or email us on


    Hi Jen,
    We have a few possibilities here in Scotland: Rothesay on the Isle of Bute with its 1920s Winter Gardens and 1930s Pavilion, or Largs on the Clyde Coast to name but two. Contact us at 0141 302 1723/1735 for further info and photos.
    Best wishes,

    jen lane

    Thanks for the suggestions, I think I need somewhere abroad though as the weather and shooting days in March won’t be very good in the UK for an outdoor shoot

    Dear Jen,
    I’d like to suggest you Piriapolis in Uruguay (South America).
    Interesting options but don’t know if it suits your script.
    Best wishes,
    Daniel Alvarez

    jen lane

    Thanks Daniel

    Uruguay has been suggested by a friend of mine as well, those images are great. Are you a local fixer?



    Hi Jen,

    Attached some ideas you may find suitable, here in Tenerife where we have long days and plenty of sunshine too.
    We´ll be pleased to help, just contact me:


    Hi there,

    As Daniel before, I can tell you that Uruguay can offer very interesting solutions for this in terms of Locations, and weather wise too!

    March in Uruguay = still summer time (so long warm days)

    check some Locs at

    Best Regards


    Bob Nilson

    Hi Jen
    Louise from Creative Scotland Locations has sent you the message below and have noted that you are considering going outside the UK for weather reasons. However, just to suggest Kirkcaldy/Fife coast and Arbroath/Angus coast – this link to give you some idea
    Best wishes
    FifeScreen & TayScreen Scotland
    +44 (0)1382 432483

    Andrew Hodge

    Hello Jen,

    Please find some reference pictures of what we can find along the west coast of France. From south of Brittany to the area of Bordeaux.

    You can find on these areas piers, long walk side on the beach with old houses, nice sand beaches;

    Weather would be better than in the UK.

    For further details and more pictures please send us an email to :

    La creative factory is a location scouting company and not a Production company, we cover all part of France and in Particular the west side of France.

    On our website you can see our references in terms of location scouting. We also provide on our Facebook page a different location every day.

    Gilles Dary
    +33 (0)6 88 08 30 05

    Website :

    News :

    Scouting gallery :

    Hi Jen,

    Have you thought about coming to Croatia, Greece or Montenegro?

    We can provide location and production services and have worked on many international film and television. And no one can beat our prices!

    I can be reached at

    Take a look at the links below…

    Nick Beech

    Hi Jen,

    Here are some options within England:

    If you do end up considering England for the shoot please get in touch at, and we can provide further info and options.

    Kind regards,


    Hi Jen,

    Hope you’re doing well! We have some interesting locations in Morocco that can work for your brief.

    Kindly send me your email address so i can share some potential locations with you through dropbox.


    Plan C productions

    Hi Jen,
    yes, I’m a local fixer. Fell free to contact me if you need any further information
    Best wishes,
    Daniel Alvarez


    Tom Parry

    Hi Jen,

    Probably not quite British enough but plenty of spookiness (old deserted, crumbling buildings etc) and always sunny, so if you end up going in a different direction, consider Cuba

    Good luck

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 19 total)

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