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Forums Pre-Production Forum Location with beautiful architectual shapes

This topic contains 28 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Trine Schou 13 years, 1 month ago.

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  • Trine Schou

    We are searching for a location with contemporary modern architecture, preferably bright colours.

    Concrete and glass.

    It could be a business district, university, school or other public buildings. The specific location we look for is a plaza, walkway or space between buildings that’s clear of cars, public transportation or other kinds of traffic.

    It’s necessary for us to be able to close down the location during either the week or the weekend.

    We need to have full traffic and crowd control (motion control 3 layers)

    The surface of the location should not be cobblestone, patterns or any coloured material, but more a simple plain grey’ish surface.

    Preferably no Trees

    Also we need to see the sky somewhere in the picture….it could be either as a direct view from the ground between buildings or through a roof from inside.

    Examples attached

    You should consider DUBAI. I just shot a South African commercial there and the brief was very similar. Speak to VIP FILMS ( Rafic is Exec)
    Your options are endless and found crew fantastic. VIP are very established and could give you options. Feel free to contact e if you want to come to SA ever..

    Alternatively send me your email and I will get Rafic to contact you.

    Txs and good luck.

    Hi Trine,

    I have one wonderful option for you here in Estonia. Please send me you’re contact detailes to and I will send you some reference pictures.


    You should consider LOS ANGELES – surprisingly affordable and the best crews around.

    Or Mexico City!

    Nicholas Simon
    Smacs Inc.
    310 948 3773

    Trine Schou

    Thanks all, very interesting.

    Nicholas/Mexico. Do you have an email and I can send you something it might be easier to talk about after.

    I’m a bit afraid about the waether in Estonia this time a year.

    Dubai – good idea!

    Hi Trine,

    We are based in Spain, Canary Islands….. We have in Tenerife Modern Building exactly in Your demand…
    i send you some locations.

    If you need more info you can call us

    Best regards

    Christophe DUPONT
    Residencia Santa Barbara
    C/ Colombia S/N Local 115
    35508 Costa Teguise / Lanzarote
    Islas Canarias España
    +34 928 591 982 / +34 650 216 324

    Hello Trine

    In the Valencian Community in Spain there are many different locations whith modern architecture which fit your needs.

    One option is “Ciudad de la Artes” in Valencia It’s a complex with a Science Musueum an Opera House and an Aquarium desgined by Santiago Calatrava. The fist three pictures have benn shot there.

    The fourth one is from Benidorm a Tourism center 1h south form Valencia by car with many skyscrapers, hotels and modern buildings. Yo also have Ciudad de la Luz film studios only 40 min ago from Benidorm.

    If you need more information you can contact us by mail or phone us +34 965 90 80 90


    Juan Gomis

    Sue Elliott

    Hi ,
    Should you consider Nice in the South of France, where our company is based,there is next to our offices a small buisness center that could in our opinion fit your brief.
    Please find attached ref pictures of this location.
    Please do not hesitate to call me should you be interested.
    Antoine Sabarros
    Line producer Bay Vista
    Tel: + 33 493 710 140
    Mobile: + 33 611 541 359

    Trine Schou

    Dear all,

    Thanks for very good inputs. Here’s my mail address if you could please send the pictures directly to me

    PS. The shoot is in January so weather can be an issue

    Sue Elliott

    Hi again ,
    I have the feeling the pictures i sent you earlier on did not go through.
    Please find them in this mail
    All the best,

    Rosi Acosta

    The Styria, THE GREEN HEART OF AUSTRIA, in Middle Europe offers a wide range
    of architectural highlights…
    One Option is the famous Kunsthaus in Graz- from the “needle”, a viewing platform, you enjoy a beautiful view all over the old town.
    Other Possibilites:
    MP headquarter, a business building
    Technical University Graz

    If you need more informations, please contact:

    Ulrike Preiss
    CINESTYRIA Filmcommission & Fonds
    St. Peter Hauptstraße 243
    8042 Graz, Austria
    Tel.: +43 316 4003 66

    Trine Schou

    Antoine I didn’t get a mail?

    Trine –

    Never heard from you.
    Nicholas Simon


Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 30 total)

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