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Forums Pre-Production Forum Looking fixer, post house & equipment house in Aberdeen, Scotland.

This topic contains 4 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Cadu Oliveira 18 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Author
  • I’m looking for fixer/production support, post house & equipment house in Aberdeen, Scotland. I
    will need an Aerial shoot arrangement too. Shoot will be in July. Any good recommendation? Please contact me for further info.

    Mark McGhee

    Can I suggest that you contact the film officer for Aberdeenshire – Sam Foley e-mail 0044 (0)1224 665093

    Hi, I’m an independent Location Manager based in Glasgow. If you don’t have any success with the Film Office for Aberdeenshire then I can be contacted at

    Mark McGhee

    I am a freelance Location Manager based in Glasgow. Please feel free to contact me at if I can help.

    Amanda Black

    Hi Andrew
    I am a freelance location manager based in Glasgow. I have filmed in the Aberdeen area before. Good hotels due to all the oil up there. PDG helicopters are based in Inverness.
    my contact 07931 610 437
    Naomi Liston

    Location Pictures Ltd. run by Location Manager and Production Manager Ashton Radcliffe, based in Angus 45 mins from Aberdeen provide Location Scouting and Management, Production Service and Management, Aerial logistics and transport requirements and can arrange post production facilities. Call Ashton on 07802 331539

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