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Forums Looking for 5 Fixers: Argentina, New-Zealand, Iceland, Romania, Israël

This topic contains 15 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Julian Grimmond 9 years, 1 month ago.

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  • We are currently producing a foreign documentary TV series about cultural beliefs, taboos and laws that dictate how people live and how their nation’s identity is constructed.

    After a first season that was aired this fall on TV5 and that was very well received by the audience, we are currently in development for the second season.

    We are thus looking for a fixer (for each of the country mentioned above) to help us throughout the realization of this project.

    The tasks expected would be divided in three phases :

    1. To guide us into identifying the potential topics (taboos) in your country, that we will direct our research towards to / 1-2 Day(s)
    2. To prepare our shooting abroad (organization wise) and to book the interviewees for that shooting / 6 Days
    3. To accompany our team during the shooting / 5 Days

    Please note that we are seeking a fixer who is not afraid to work on controversial or more sensitive subjects. Please be reassured that we have a strong work ethic and always approach our subjects and participants with respect and discretion.

    If you are interested or can help us find someone, get back to us quickly!

    Anemone Film’s Team

    Tomo Chana

    Hi Sarah!
    The ITALIAN KIWI FILM CONNECTIONZ can help you in this and other projects. We are film consultant services for NEW ZEALAND and ITALIAN industry.
    Don’t hesitate to contact me at

    Kim Bikila
    Managing Director
    Wellington-Auckland- Rome-Milan-Sicily

    Tomo Chana

    Hi Sarah!
    The ITALIAN KIWI FILM CONNECTIONZ can help you in this and other projects. We are film consultant services for NEW ZEALAND and ITALIAN industry.
    Don’t hesitate to contact me at

    Kim Bikila
    Managing Director
    Wellington-Auckland- Rome-Milan-Sicily

    Icelandic Fixers
    We would be glad in assisting you in your quest in Iceland.

    We are a team of Fixers located in Iceland.
    And will be able in supporting you in any way, and find the best fixer for you.

    If you need to get more informations about us,
    +354 6631522

    Leonardo Uhlenburg

    Hello Sarah,
    I would like to introduce my self as Fixer and Location Manager. I would be more than happy to work with you, if Anémone Films would be interested in filming an episode in Italy.

    I have several years of experience with national and international productions in quality as production manager, line producer, location manager of video, doc tv advertising and films. I work all over the Italian territory

    My excellent organization and coordination skills always get the job done and I love collaborating and working in a team.

    My knowledge of German, Italian, French, Spanish, and English also helps me work in an International environment.
    Are you looking a location producer, for the production of a film, commercial spot or documentary film?
    Herewith attached you will find my curriculum vitae, reference letters, links of video for your consideration.
    Intervista Films INc Montreal – Jean Coutu Voyage en Toscane
    Airbnb Host in Tuscany Still Productions Ltd
    The Trips BMW
    Ripartiamo dall’Italia CNA
    Brothers Circus –
    Video social:
    Donna InDifesa – … ref=search

    Fashion Tv Show Abu Dhabi Tv
    Ma 3 Rabab Milan – Italy Episode

    One Direction Live Concert Film in Milan

    Dokumentarfilm Production:
    The Mona Lisa Myth – Narrator Academy Award Winner Morgan Freeman

    Devils Brigade

    Tatanka Scatenato Line Producer in Berlin

    Tuscan Wedding Production Coordinator

    Jim Merkel

    Hi Sarah!

    Are you keen on shooting your project specifically in Romania?

    Because our company in Bulgaria called Film Fixers Bulgaria can provide an excellent film fixing service! Recently we have worked and organized filming of documentaries in Bulgaria for BBC2, National Geographic and RDF TV.

    Bulgaria has very rich culture and traditions and I am sure here you will be able to find a lot of cultural beliefs and taboo-related topics to film about! Also, as well as Romania, Bulgaria has a big Roma ( gypsy) community that has its own unique cultural background.

    For more information please feel free to contact us at!

    Sharon L

    hello dear – please feel free to contact me at
    for the ISRAELI part of your project we are here for you,

    Cell phone +972 545477859
    Face book Meirav Vizer

    Meissa Seck

    Hi Sarah,

    We can definitely help you with your projet in Romania.

    We are a production company based in Bucharest and we have experience in working with international clients on various projects, among which a documentary for BBC World News for which we have covered the same type of activities that you need. We can provide fixers, journalists and researchers with previous track record in working for TV and we would be happy to share with you more info about us and about our work.

    Please send us an email on with more details about what you need and the timing of your project so that we can start discussing about it.

    Thank you and looking forward to hearing from you!


    Ahmad Fadzil

    Dear Anemone Film’s Team
    Your project sound fascinating!

    To cover cultural beliefs, taboos and laws in Israel, and to reach religious interviewees you would need a professional and most experienced fixer.
    Please contact Micha Israel Kovler @ Hocus Focus Films

    Please note that I am a religious jew myself, a fact which will help you contact sensitive religious interviewees.

    As you can witness in our testimonials – our latest project was something similar discussing the West Bank settlements with Norwegian Newspaper.

    Attached a pict from that project.
    Warm regards,

    Mr Kibe –

    Hi there,
    We’d be glad to work with your team. Our fixers are experienced in hundreds of international documentary productions in Israel and Palestine. Please feel free to contact me directly:
    Thank you,
    Noam Shalev

    Hi Sarah

    we would be happy to be at your service in Israel.
    feel free to write back
    /call +972505508068 / skype idanbardach

    Hey Sarah,

    My team and I provide production assistance for foreign filming crews in Romania.

    We can get access to peculiar places such as ghettos or secluded communities. And we also like your idea.

    We’ve worked for organizations such as the BBC, Channel 4, History Channel, Discovery and also The Times or The New York Times.

    I can provide references if needed and our fees are negotiable.


    Maree Hudson

    Greetings from NEW ZEALAND

    I would be able to handle your sensitive request with regard to cultural beliefs, taboos and laws with our ethnic Maori and Pacific Islanders. I have worked on similar docos with the BBC and can fix and organise as per your brief.

    Alayne McLaren
    +64 3 548 7872

    Dear Sarah,

    If you feel like using ONE entity to take care of all your needs in ALL respective countries, look no further.

    NEEDaFIXER is the largest network of film fixers worldwide, having excellent cooperators and very strong connections in all the countries that you mention, securing very competitive rates.

    All of our fixers are very experienced, have very strong work ethics, and you will be having a 24/7 back up office for solutions and support to any problems at all times.

    We have extensive experience of fixing for controversial and tantalising subjects like sex tourism in Prague, drug use in Canada, muslim culture in the US. We have fixed for controversial reality TV documentaries in Europe and Asia and have coordinated news coverages for very sensitive subjects like the refugee crisis and terrorist attacks. Please have a look at the link below for our previous and recent work:

    Please give us a call at +44 777 23 66 827 or email us at so that we can discuss this further.

    Best regards,


    Pancho Casagrande

    Hello Sarah.
    I´m Pancho Casagrande, fixer and location manager from Argentina.

    I worked many times with canadian crews in documentaries, commercials and Tv shows.
    I can work with you in this project or recommend to work with on this project.

    You can read an interview I did for The Location Guide

    You can also view my channel on Youtube with some productions I worked on

    if you are interested, you can consult freely.
    Mail to.

    kind regards

    Location Manager / Fixer

    0381-154 56 35 38 N.O.A
    ##54 9381 456 3538 Outside Argentina
    Skype. panchocasagrande

    nota. tené en cuenta el medioambiente antes de imprimir este mail

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