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Forums Looking for a Fixer Norway

This topic contains 5 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Julia Bšning 10 years, 1 month ago.

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  • Looking for a location fixer for a shoot in Northern Norway in february.

    Fuglefjellet can help with both location and production services if needed.

    Toivo Nilsen
    0047 908 66 031

    don smith


    I work as a freelance line producer and location manager and often help foreign crews that come to Norway. I would be delighted to help you with your production at a competative rate. I have worked on several projects in Northern Norway, including projects for Disney Channel and German TV Channal SAT 1. I have a lot of contacts in Northern Norway and can easily supply you with whatever you need. No project is too small or too big.

    I have attached links to some of the latest projects I have done as location manager. The Ford Mondeo shoot was for american prod. company Assembly Films and it was directed by hollywood director Rob Cohen (“Fasts & The Furious”, “xXx”). “The Heavy Water War” is a WW2 period drama and premiered on national tv channel NRK 2 weeks ago.

    My contact info is:
    +47 97174718

    For references from foreign clients I have worked with feel free to call:

    Jeff Trenner – Producer on the Ford Mondeo commercial
    +1 914-325-1435

    Elena Neyman – Producer, Assembly Films New York
    +1 646-734-4444



    don smith

    Hi again,

    It is also worth mentioning that I have a considerable amount of location photos from Northern Norway. I also have service producer experience if you need help with permits, equipment, crew etc.

    All the best,

    Tommy WIke
    +47 97174718

    Scott Lakey

    We are based in Tromso, North-Norway and have a network in this region.

    Best regards
    mobile +4791120054

    Please visit We offer complete production service for film, tv & commericals. Best Film In Norway

    don smith

    Hi Caspaar,

    Did you find a fixer for your project yet?

    I just finished scouting for a feature and have time off to help you right away if you want. If you send me some info on what you are looking for I will go through my archive and see if I have something that suits your needs and if I don´t I can find it for you.

    Although I am based in Oslo, I was born up north and still have lots of family there and I´ve been doing productions there on a regular basis and know the area very well. Just during the last year I have helped American and German production companies shoot in Northern Troms and the Lofoten Area. We filmed the native Sami people with their reindeer herds on summer pasture up in the mountains as well as local fishermen on their fishing trawlers and genereal scenic shots of the coast and mountains.

    I´ve been having some server problems with my company email so you can email me at or call me on +47 97174718.

    All the best,
    Tommy Wike

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