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Forums Looking for a location to shoot beach resort end of August

This topic contains 28 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Enzo Coluccio 9 years ago.

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 30 total)
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  • Hello Cho

    My name is Jack who is GM of Southern Media Coroporation would like you to consider our location in Phuket , Thailand where one of most perfect beach in the world.Our location where is called Freedom Beach is pretty perfect for film location because there is mountain and beach in the same location where is close to Patong Beach.This is to be very easy to manage and equip your production team. Not only location but also transportation , accommodation , catering , modeling, props for film can be provided as one stop service for film production

    Please contact at 66 85 1729595 or

    Hope to hear from you soon.

    Best Regards,

    Jorge Diaz


    We can recommend the CANARY ISLANDS, perfect weather year round, not too hot in August(unlike europe), the most beautiful beaches of Europe, etc. Please dont hesitate to contact us for more info.

    Best regards,

    Gadi Cimand, Producer
    Phone | Whatsapp | Viber +34 687 617 400
    Skype: gadicimand

    Roy Boulter

    prejudice it has, during the period and the location you searched for, Sicily offers many opportunities for the realization of the project, so if he wanted the material very interesting please references I would be happy to serve you, with all the material I have, this is my email address,, thanks best regards john but

    Toivo Nlsen

    Dear Cho,

    I would like to suggest Greece as possible option.

    I am a Greece-based producer and fixer with over 10years of experience in international productions and I would be delighted to assist you with your project.

    Kind Regards,

    Eleni Fanariotou
    +30 6998 990 722
    +30 2310 201 732

    sombo Sombo

    How about Bali or Lombok – connect if you like the idea where by we are always warm :-)

    David Jones


    I write from Illes Balears Film Commission. (Balearic Islands)

    Here some photos from Balearic Islands , I can send you more.

    Sunny weather, beaches , palmtrees and luxury resorts.

    Please dont hesitate to contact us for more info.

    Best regards,

    Hello Cho

    Please also consider the Algarve for your project ! It is the most southern region of Portugal and one of the most attractive areas in Europe for filming projects due to its all-year mild weather, variety and beauty of its beaches, and landscapes. This area is most famous for some of the most stunning beaches and impressing coast lines in the whole world!! And the Algarve enjoys the best climate in Europe, with only a short period of rainfall and the highest amount of sunshine hours in Europe. The light is clean and clear, similar to that of South Africa and the Caribbean. We would be happy to help you with all preparation and production services you need! See more of our locations:
    Please contact at

    Hello Cho

    Please also consider the Algarve for your project ! It is the most southern region of Portugal and one of the most attractive areas in Europe for filming projects due to its all-year mild weather, variety and beauty of its beaches, and landscapes. This area is most famous for some of the most stunning beaches and impressing coast lines in the whole world!! And the Algarve enjoys the best climate in Europe, with only a short period of rainfall and the highest amount of sunshine hours in Europe. The light is clean and clear, similar to that of South Africa and the Caribbean. We would be happy to help you with all preparation and production services you need! See more of our locations:
    Please contact at

    In Colombia you can shoot in sunny beaches and resorts all year long.
    Costs are very low and production values quite good!!Ecohabs/zoom/c5j8/imagexps!San%20Felipe%C2%B4s%20Castle/zoom/c5j8/imagepu4
    Contact us at:

    Hi Cho,

    Will you consider Turkey as an option as it has beautiful locations with cheaper production costs. Please find some informations here:
    And feel free to contact us any time for further details.

    All the bests,

    Zeynep Köprülü
    Periferi Film

    too late i guess. if not please let me know.

    Dear Cho

    we can help you in several places in europe ( Ibiza Formentera Spain France etc ) could you send an image of what you are looking for ?


    Roy Boulter

    Good evening , Cho Sicily offer many opportunities , but I need more details in the period you described here in some places could be is high season , with more details you couldn’t make a more thorough scouting here I leave you my email for possible contacts .

    can you give more details pls. your contact details or dates , storyboad to understand locations better.

    N. Erdinc TURAN

    Evaldas Vilius

    Good Afternoon. The Canary Islands are the best option for what you are looking for. Please contact me at and I will send you some ideas, I have exactly what you need. The Canary Islands have Europe’s most attractive tax incentives for film and tv production, validated by Spanish national and EU regulations with a 35% tax rebate and we are able to manage all these financial operations. Please feel free to contact as to know more.

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 30 total)

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