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Forums Looking for cow farms surrounded by nice landscapes

This topic contains 6 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  johnny greally 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Hi!

    We’re looking for clean and beautiful cow farms surrounded by nice landscape.
    Shooting at the end of September.
    Ukrainian locations look not perfect and “commercial” enough.

    Please send your offers to email julia[at]

    Thank you

    Hello Julia:
    I’m Juan Pablo Lasserre, producer @ Tango Films in Argentina. In september in Argentina is the begining of the spring. So the weather is fine for this.
    Here are a few locations pictures references from our library.
    If you find them suitable for your project, feel free to contact me for further assistance.
    This is my email:

    And our website:


    Ann Hernandez

    Hello. My name is Berthold Meltz. I live in Puerto Rico (The Caribbean Region). Puerto Rico is a United States territory. We deal in $US Dollars. If you are interested you can contact me at 011-787-649-3790. I will send you four more photos besides these ones. All the same location. Regards.

    Ann Hernandez

    Hello. Berthold Meltz in Puerto Rico again. Attached four more photos of same location. Contact: 011-787-649-3790.

    Ann Hernandez

    Hello Jullia. Berthold Meltz in Puerto Rico again. Don’t worry about the cows. This is a diary farm (milk cows). There are hundreds in the farm. Regards. 011-787-649-3790.

    Hi Julia, we have many many farms in Slovenia. Please find below some reference photos of landscapes and some farms, but for accurate location proposal please send a reference of style and we will look into it.

    Main advantage for shooting in Slovenia would definitely be the locations – the small territory of the country makes it very qiock and easy to travel on modern infrastructure and the landscape is very diverse (from mountains to seaside in hour and a half drive).

    We are a full service production company with all in house facilities (casting, art department, studio …) and own equipment (Cameras, Lights, Grip).

    Please check us:
    my contact:

    Cameron Wood

    Would New Zealand be too far. If not, we’d be happy to send you some location options.
    Cameron Wood
    Reel Locations

    claus meding

    Hi Julia.

    Holland is a famous milk and cheese country. We got loads of cowfarms. In every region the farms have a different architecture. The shape varies a lot. Dutch cows are mostly black and white or brown and white. Most of the country is as flat as a table. No mountains, Julia! I don’t know what landscape you are looking for?

    Please do come over if you are in the mood for some delicious butter, milk and cheese.
    Be my guest!

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