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Forums Pre-Production Forum Looking for Film Director that is good with kids

This topic contains 6 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  James Austin 15 years, 7 months ago.

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  • James Austin

    Hi, am looking for film director based in Asia that are good with kids.

    Paul Thompson

    we have some freelance directors / cinematographer / art director from Thailand. send me your e-mail. we’ll send you a link.

    hi, where in asia? i’m based between the united states and tokyo. mostly commercials and documentaries. any more details?

    Shirley Au


    I have some directors in Thailand who are excellent with kids. Any more details you can share with me i.e age of kids, style of commercial, so I can send their reel to you.

    Please feel free to contact me at or

    Looking forward to hear from you soon.


    I’m Vareevan from Big Blue Production, Bangkok, Thailand.

    Regarding Film Diretor for kids project based in Asia, please contact me for their showreel links.

    mb. +66 81 818 7351

    Zaza Rusadze


    Our production house has strong experience filming in Asia (throughout Mainland, Hong Kong, Thailand and Japan) and our director has great interest and experience in handling film projects involving Chinese or kids similar to the movie titled ‘Not one less’ directed by Zhang Yi Mou.

    If you can share more information, we will be able to know if our director fits your project in hand.


    Aydin Riza

    we just shot 2 kids spots, one for ferrero kinder and another for kelloggs, both specialized directors: 1 with a german director based out of LA the other from argentina, if you want to see their work contact:

    With my experience on working with children I just thought to contact you. As a work sample, here is a short video I produced for TVE Asia Pacific.

    It was a part of an international television co-production for children organized by AIBD, Malaysia. I am based in Sri Lanka, and also have experience with filming in India and Philppines with international productions. you can contact me on my email

    Look forward to hear from you.

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

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