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Forums Pre-Production Forum looking for wheat fields in march/early april

This topic contains 9 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Vicki Manning 19 years ago.

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  • we are looking to shoot wheat fields at the end of march, beginning of april. we actually have another board that could be attached where we need a small soccer stadium and sun

    please get back to
    +38044 537 0747

    Rok Ban

    hi yana, this is tom from shotzfilm, did you had a look in new zealand? nice people for production service.

    Hi Yana,

    Would like to evaluate the boards and get back to you. Soccer stadium and sun is not a problems, wheat fields could be ok this time of year, but really depends on how high you are looking for.

    Please contact:

    Luis Montalvo

    Mobile: + 34 659 017 503

    Robert Amon

    HI! I’m Vita Lains, the responsible for Montaini Films International a service production company based in Lisbon. I’d be very happy to help you. I’ve made a few calls and i’ve confirmed that at the moment wheat is still green, around 20cm tall. Soccer stadiums it’s not difficult to find in Portugal, all sizes :)
    Please send me your boards and a short brief so that I can give the best answer to your needs.
    My direct contacts: T.: +351 21 301 28 83; M.: +351 91 660 97 20; mail: vitalains@montainifilms.dom. If you want to know us better have a look at:

    Dragos Vilcu

    Hello Yana,

    Plenty of wheat fields, soccer stadiums and sunshine in Spain. Send us your boards and criteria so we can hone in on the best one-stop-shop for your shoot.
    Visit our client list for more information on our work and testimonials:
    I can also send you IMDB credits from our film team if interested.
    Look forward to hearing from you.
    Michael Moffett
    Tel.: +34.915.488.337

    Hi Yana,
    This is Treza from New Zealand Film Connection.
    We have beautiful wheat fields here, best time to shoot is early March, i.e. as soon as possible. I shot some last March in the South Island for Godman UK, and have plenty of photos I can send to you. We also have soccer stadiums. Please contact me if you’d like to pursue… +64 9 6242181, or +64 21 957255, Thanks.

    Paul Clausen

    Hello Yana
    This is Anzak from JoyRide Films in New Zealand. We have just shot wonderful weat fields for a Polish Beer TVC and have the complete scout on file should you require any reference. Also familiar with Soccer stadiums here so can provide that too. Summer is here just waiting for you! Please let me know if you would like any assistance? Good luck!
    Anzak +64 21 857874

    Michael Cook

    Hi yana
    New Zealand can provide both wheat field and football stadium that you need. We are Auckland based film/tvc company has lots of line production experiences include BMW US, McDonalds UK, Toyota china to name a few.
    If you need more assistance please contact or visit our website

    Barb Chupa

    Dear Yana,
    South Australia is a fantastic place to shoot – and has pretty much every location you could imagine from desert, to coast to green fields, to city locations etc. South Australians love sport, so there is a huge variety of sports fields available, including of course soccer fields. Very close to the capital of South Australia (Adelaide) is diverse countryside. We are a big farming State and so we have plenty of large open farm land, including plenty of wheat fields.
    The financial benefit of shooting in South Australia is key to our success as a successful location. We can provide locations, crew and production values equal to anywhere else in Australia, but at much less expense.
    Please contact me on should you be interested in knowing anything more about our great state.
    Kind Regards,
    Ruth Coady

    Chris Moore

    Dear Yana,
    There are a variety of locations in both Melbourne and Sydney, Australia that will suit your filming requirments. We are a Sydney based film/tvc production company with a great deal of experience facilitating offshore productions in Australia. Recent productions include the award winning Rexona ‘Stunt City’ tvc for UK based production company Stink. We are currently working with director Tony Kaye and US producton company Supply and Demand on a large US commerical.
    If you would like us to provide a file on potential locations or discuss production services available in further detail please contact: or visit our website
    + 61 2 9281 1833

    Carlos Duran

    Dear Yana;

    I think there are plenty of wheat fields around Malaga, south of Spain. Also we could find you a football ground of any type depending on your needs. If you want to have a look on the pictures of the locations proposed just click onto and reply this mail.


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