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Forums Low budget tv project shooting in Mozambique and Johannesburg

This topic contains 4 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  johnny greally 9 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Looking for a fixer for tv travel show shooting in Johannesburg ( shooting from 3-7 of January 2016 ) and Mozambique ( shooting from 12-18 of January 2016 )

    We don’t need to rent equipment as we bring all the necessary gear. It’s not a big shooting and we do it as reality show.

    We need help with permissions, translation and communication with local people.

    Linda Elsdon

    Hi Yulia
    I have seen your post on Location Guide. I am a TV and film facilitator in Johannesburg with 28 years of experience. I can set up your shoot here and make arrangements for Mozambique as well with trusted colleagues there.
    If you would like to send me more details of what you need I can put a timeline and a quote together for you.
    I work as an independent with no huge overheads so I can keep the budget tight – in fact many of my clients are amazed at what I achieve within their budgets.
    You can either email me on or call 00 27 83 259-6324. If you’d prefer to Skype please send me an email with a good time and I will make sure I am online. My Skype handle is karenmaxbrooks.
    All the best
    Karen Brooks
    Facilitation Southern Africa

    Dear Yulia,

    We would love to service your production. The company specialize in low to medium sized budgets. We are well known for being innovative and resourceful in our approach to making sure each production dollar is stretched. Having worked with companies across the global, in everything from TV to Film to Commercials, the teams decades of experience lends us to being able to create the right production platform for your project. We are confident we are the best positioned to meet your productions needs. Please send us your direct line and we will get our head of production to get in touch. We operate with the efficiencies of an independent, and the service and resources of a production service company.

    I have attached our brochure.

    We look forward look hearing from you.

    My email is


    Hi, i just saw your post about shooting in Mozambique. We are a production company that does all the permissions as well as taking care of production in Mozambique.
    We have worked with many foreign productions here, our direct emails are

    Our company is Mahla Filmes Lda

    My web site is

    our cell numbers are

    +258 82 317 2010
    +258 84 317 2010
    +258 82 711 6080

    The last travel cooking show we serviced was for zero point zero production for the show No Reservations with Anthony Bourdain that was shot here in Mozambique.
    We have done dozens of jobs since that one.

    Thanks again

    Antonio Forjaz
    Mahla Filmes Lda

    Jim Edward

    Greetings !

    Rick Matthews here from Big Banana Films . We are based in Johannesburg and have 15 years experience in small to medium size productions . We would work in collaboration with a Mozambique based facilitator for the Mozambique part . Should you require a CV , please email me – . Our website is . Cheers , Rick

    Hi Yulia, CallaCrew has the biggest listing of crew in Southern Africa and we have been supplying freelance crew to the industry for over 30 years, please let me know if I can be of service to you, thx Jan CallaCrew

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

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