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Forums Pre-Production Forum Nature + Man made rock element needed

This topic contains 35 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Orsolya Kmetty 15 years, 3 months ago.

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 37 total)
  • Author
  • WE have a client looking for a natural location which must be dramatic and have some kind of man made
    rock sculpture incorporated…not a sculpture garden …but something like a volcanic landscape with a manmade element…or a desert locations with rock sculpture that looks like natures force has created it ..
    Ideas ?

    Hello Clare..!!! if it’s what you looking for, i’m glad to help you. For further informations please feel free and contact me at

    Hello Clare..!!! if it’s what you looking for, i’m glad to help you. For further informations please feel free and contact me at

    Tavi Stavila

    Hi Clare, please check the following pictures, you will find theses locations in Tunisia (North Africa). there are other locations that can match the description you gave, if you need more, you can join us by email.

    Dear Clare
    Please have a look at Namibia and our website has some images that may of interest to you. If you send us your board or reference pictures we will send you photographs from our database. Namibia is a very safe country to film in and we at Namib Film have 10 years of experiance servicing international filmmakers.
    We look forward to hearing from you.
    Kindest regards
    Guy Nockels
    Executive Producer

    Dear Clare,
    There is an area South of Jordan called AlBeidha or little Petra, please find some photos, you can contact me for more photos and detaild at
    Mona Darwazeh
    PPC – Amman, Jordan

    Ina Cole

    Hi Clare

    Here’s ‘Camel Rock’. It’s a 1-hour drive outside Dubai city. Still unspoilt and never been used for shooting.

    Hello from Greece
    If interested need a little time to check for permits
    Of course we need to know more about the project
    Thank you in advance

    Konstantinos Tagalakis
    Location Manager
    tel. 00306937121987

    We have many such rock formations in India. Am attaching 2 pictures of the Toad Rock in Mt Abu and Marble Rocks in Jabalpur. If ever you have the inclination to shoot in INDIA please do get in touch with us. Regards – Kishore Sinh , Royal Locations, Jodhpur ( Rajasthan )& Baroda ( Gujarat ) -INDIA.

    Tavi Stavila

    Hi Clare, please find these other locations where nature seem worked by human hands. waiting for you comments.
    regards, Ramses.

    Hello Clare,
    Maybe something like this is what you are looking for: Images of the North of Chile.

    I look forward to reading your comments.

    Juan Harrington | Producer
    PRODUCTION SERVICES in Chile, Mexico & Uruguay.
    56 2 271-0702
    56 2 271-0705 tel/fax
    56 9 9651-3030 mobile
    SKYPE: juanharrington

    These are location in Jorda. Why Jordan? Because the free location fees and because the facilities that Jordan provides for the international Productions. Come to Jordan and see the difference.

    Jordan. Where you can find 2000 years ago history still standing.

    Chris Conroy

    First thing that comes to mind are the volcanic areas on the big island with the ancient Hawaiian Temples, callerd “Heiau” on them.


    Sound like what you are looking for?

    Tavi Stavila

    Hi Clare, please see below these pictures from an old village, that can give the dramatic aspect you are looking for.

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 37 total)

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