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Forums Need DP/Lighting people next week in Rotterdam, Frankfurt & London

This topic contains 4 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Nicholas Chan 13 years ago.

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  • Hello:
    We are looking for a DPs / Lighting persons in Rotterdam/Amsterdam – Frankfurt and London who can shoot & have their own lighting kit & tripod that we can use with our own camera gear, as we are coming from the US. The setups will be interior interviews and we want it to have a slick commercial-like feel – using a white BG for the interviews so the footage will be consistent. Additional pick-up shots of corporation HQs, CEO on the move… We want to make them look a bit like rock stars – but by no means over the top. Just cool and slick.

    If you are interested, please send an email with your resume and a link to your reel to:

    Our schedule thus far is:

    Feb. 22: Interview #1 Rotterdam (20 mins. from Amsterdam) Time: TBD (after 12 noon)

    Feb. 23: Interview #2 Frankfurt, Germany Time: TBD (morning)
    Interview #3 Frankfurt, Germany Time: TBD

    Feb: 24: Interview #4 Frankfurt, Germany Time: TBD

    Feb: 27, 28, 29 TBD London, U.K. Time: TBD


    Panasonic AG-HVX200 3-CCD P2/DVCPRO HD Format Camcorder with Widescreen Aspect Ratio, 720p, 1080i and 24-Frame HDTV Recording / 7″ Ultimate LCD Monitor Kit / 16GB E-Series P2 Card (3) / Single-Slot P2 Memory Card Drive

    Evolution G3 100 Series – Wireless Microphone Combo (A / 516
    Phantom Powered Condenser Shotgun Microphone
    Case with Lanyard Strap for the EW G3 and 2000 Series Microp
    Vampire Style Lavalier Clip
    Foam Windscreen Package for OLM2, Sennheiser ME2 and Sony UW


    I’m a highly experienced DoP & Director Cameraman, and I will be able to do the shooting for you in the UK 27th – 29th February. I can also do the shoot in Frankfurt if required to.

    You can find further details and my cv on my website, or a I can forward a CV to you.

    Looking forward to hearing from you.

    Kind Regards,


    Robert Foster
    Broadcast Television
    0161 926 9808 / 07974 15 16 17

    Hi Cristina
    Would be very happy to work with you on this project at any or all of the venues.
    I am an experienced DoP with my own equipment including Varicam, HDCAM, HD XDCAM and Arri Alexa with prime lenses.
    I have worked for many American companies including NBC ( Access Hollywood, NBC Sports), ABC (Good Morning America etc), ESPN (various profiles/interview based programmes as well as titles etc for the Open Golf, Ryder Cup, Wimbledon and World Figure Skating).
    We have a full lighting package to go with our camera and sound equipment and are self sufficient in specially adapted vehicles!
    Look forward to hearing from you.
    Awfully Nice Video Company
    +44 (0)7000 345678

    Hi Cristina
    Would be very happy to work with you on this project at any or all of the venues.
    I am an experienced DoP with my own equipment including Varicam, HDCAM, HD XDCAM and Arri Alexa with prime lenses.
    I have worked for many American companies including NBC ( Access Hollywood, NBC Sports), ABC (Good Morning America etc), ESPN (various profiles/interview based programmes as well as titles etc for the Open Golf, Ryder Cup, Wimbledon and World Figure Skating).
    We have a full lighting package to go with our camera and sound equipment and are self sufficient in specially adapted vehicles!
    Look forward to hearing from you.

    I am an experienced DoP working in London and would be keen to work with you. I have an extensive kit of lights and experience with all broadcast formats including the Panasonic camera listed. I shot all the interviews for America The Story of Us (History Ch) which will give you an idea of a shallow depth of field style though I am happy to provide what style you favour.

    My reel is on You Tube – Andy Muggleton Showreel and attached.

    Hello Cristina, I would be very happy to help you if you are still looking for a camera man / crew for your London corporate shoots this coming week. I am a fully equipped lighting cameraman with a great deal of experience in all areas of video production. I regularly work with US clients from the networks – NBC and ABC in particular, all the way through to small indie production outfits for docs and corporate.

    I have F800 XDcam, F900R HDcam, HDX 900 DVC Pro cameras and a variety of smaller cameras all of which can be linked to Nanoflash or Samurai recorders for NLE.

    I carry as routine a full cameras lighting package / sound / production kit in a specially racked crew vehicle that can carry your production team.I also have experience of location fixing for my US clients which helps to smooth the way in London.
    my website is where you can see more about me or my online showreel is One of my largest corporate clients has been De Beers, the diamond company.

    bets, Jonathan Young

    +44 7831 531 416

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