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Forums Need fixers in USA and Kenya

This topic contains 5 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Gergely Balazs 10 years, 9 months ago.

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
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  • Hi

    We´re a Norwegian production company who are making a documentary series. We need fixers in USA (Washington DC and San Francisco).

    We also need a fixer in Kenya, Nairobi.

    We need help with translations, logistics etc. Someone with a car is preferible.

    Please contact me for more information if you are interested
    Tlf: +47 986 22 098

    – Anette

    Hello Annette,

    I can assist in Kenya with your Fixing requirements. You can contact me on

    we are Nairobi based and work all over Africa.
    I have emailed you….!

    Ginger Wilson
    +254 720 604491

    Possibilities Brought To Life.

    Production Guild of Great Britain
    Kenya Film and Television Professionals Association (KFTPA)
    Foreign Correspondents Association of East Africa

    CoProducers “Fishing Without Nets”
    Dir. Cutter Hodierne
    Somali pirate feature film told from perspective of the Somali pirates.

    CoProducers “Nairobi Half Life”

    Anette, We are a Kenya company
    We have emailed you directly.
    Stevie Price
    Complete Africa Ltd

    Marco Vilela

    Hi Anette,
    We’d be glad to help you with location arrangements and any other production needs in Washington, DC. I’ll email you directly for any further followup.

    Look forward to being of service.

    Tien Pasco
    Storylab Films

    For a San Francisco fixer Peter Kwong 415 350 5410
    Joe Madalena, Location Manager

    Roger Neuburger

    Dear Anette

    We are fixers based in Tanzania – we can recommend Viewfinders for assistance in Kenya though – they are on –

    Thanks Janice Beatty

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

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