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Forums Pre-Production Forum Old Hacienda/Villa Old Colors -1930”s to 1950”s

This topic contains 5 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Laura Grey 14 years, 10 months ago.

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  • Laura Grey

    Short distance from Florida, need yellowish, brownish colors, well lived, patina, a bit like in fim Seven, as well, favelas near by…I have reference photos if need be:

    Laura Grey

    I meant short flying distance from Florida…1930’s, 1950’s style of Hacienda/Villa

    motion sales

    Dear Michelle,
    We can easily help you in Argentina -we’re the largest print production company down there.
    Or Central America -Costa Rica or Guatemala, where most recently we shot for J. Crew.
    For Argentina please contact:
    For Costa Rica please contact:
    Best wishes,
    Nico Entel

    I am responding from Belize, we are 1 30 minutes by plane from Miami we are a former British Colony formerly know as British Honduras I will send you some photos very shortly. please allow me to check your reference photos then I can respond with the proper email is

    I am wrting you from Mexico, we have great Haciendas close to Mexico City or in the city of Merida in Yucatan wich is 2 hours from MIami by plane.

    Contact us at rruiz@ you can see our production services at


    Ramiro Ruiz

    Cel. 52 1 5591993025


    I just sent you an email with pictures, i hope you like them, there are few in the Yucatan Peninsula and some close to Mexico City.

    Vaya bien

    I am based in Yucatan, the place where we have th emost beautiful haciendas in Mexico.
    Please have a look at this link to give you an idea of the area :

    We can send you a selection of haciendas where you can stay and shoot.
    Daily flight from Miami to Merida.
    Dominique Duneton

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

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