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Forums Pre-Production Forum Orange tree locations in December and January

This topic contains 26 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Sam George 14 years, 3 months ago.

Viewing 13 posts - 16 through 28 (of 28 total)
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  • Sharon L

    Forgot to add Sam that you may contact Colette for more info at +447879477772

    The direct flights are daily and it’s 4 hours and 40 minutes flight.

    Best wishes

    Nick Peters

    Perhaps.,this is one of your options. This orange trees is exist in Thailand. We have lots more of orange trees imgaes. kindly if you could send your email address to us. We can send you the orange trees film commercial Ad which we shots in 2007’s
    Our email:

    Jose Trullenque

    Really Valencia is your location pleanty of orchads and oranges trees fields and lots of oranges from November until Marz we have 180.000 hectareas from oranges trees
    Valencia in Spain with international airport in the mediterranean coast.
    Only two Hours direct flight from London and Low cost companies : Easy Jet, Ryanair, flights from 60€
    Film facilities and local production
    Jose Trullenque

    Dear Mr George,

    We are contacting you from Malaga Film Office. We are a non-profit public organisation funded by the local City Council of Malaga and created with the mission to promote our film-friendly city, and the one-stop film office covering filming permits and municipal coordination within the city capital of Malaga. It is with great pleasure to inform you that filming in Malaga is free from city location fees for all non-commercial shoots and for commercial shoots there is only a very minimal daily fee. In addition, our very special and unique incentive; ALL shoots on the public beaches of Malaga are completely free from location fees.

    In regards to your petition, we suggest Pedro Luis Alonso Gardens (photos attached bellow), the Garden located behind The Cathedral (photo attached bellow), a municipal park and Alcazabilla Street.

    We will just point out that the following are some of the services we offer also entirely free of charge to all film shoots in Malaga;

    · Film Permits processed in only 5 business days.

    · Coordination of Police and Traffic flow management during film shoots.

    · Availability of Public Local Authority Locations; Historical & Cultural heritage monuments, Contemporary buildings, Beaches, Tropical Gardens, Mountains, and more.

    · Assistance in finding specific Locations.

    · Assistance in local Production Logistics contacts; Transport, Accommodation, Catering, Castings, and more.

    · Assistance in Local Crew & Company Contacts from our Production Directory.

    · Assistance in Audiovisual Legislation.

    Please visit our Website for more information on these services and for location images:

    Furthermore, we have over 2500 images on file of city locations available for filming, of which you can see an introduction on our website, and if you are searching for a specific location at any time please send us the brief and references and we will do our best to find it for you in Malaga!

    We hope you find this information helpful and hope that you may keep Malaga in mind for your next production! Please don’t hesitate to contact us further for any other information you need!

    We look forward to the possibility of working with you in the future!

    Best regards,

    María del Rocío Sánchez Quesada
    Production Assistant

    Adam Thal

    Hi Sam,

    I am pleased to suggest you Sicily ( South Italy) as the ideal location for your project.
    You could have oranges in so different locations besides light and atmosphere.
    Feel free to contact me for futher details.

    Good luck.

    Massimo . . +39 3355451264

    Film Advisor

    Hello Sam,

    Here in the sunny Dominican Republic we have miles and miles of Orange Trees in Jan and Feb with very mild beautiful weather to accompany them. :-) We actually have crops that blossom year round and here in Hato Mayor del Rey, our Town’s Mayor Dr. Cruz Tineo is part of the CityHall Film Group which means that depending on your project we can offer you certain financial incentives for your visit. Aside from that, just imagine spending time in an amazing beach front all inclusive Hotel in the Caribbean prepping for your shoot :-) Please feel free to contact us directly at as we have many more images that might be interesting to your project.

    James H E Cutting

    Dear Sam,

    Have you considered Morocco?

    There is an abundance of orange trees and orchards in and around Marrakech.

    Kind Regards,


    hi Sam

    Malta might be just what you are looking for – only a couple of hours away, any daily flights and small walled orchards or larger gardens

    Ambi Pratama

    Dear George,

    As previously mentioned, Israel offers great locations, professional crews. film and HD gear, affordable Vat free rates, great weather and much more…
    Please visit our website for more information:
    We will be happy to extend all our knowledge and expertise in order to facilitate your next production.

    Faithfully yours,
    Nimrod Shanit

    Helen Bowes

    Hello Sam!
    My name is Andrea Turek and I’m the executive Producer at TNKS ISRAEL.
    I think ISRAEL is the perfect place to shoot oranges in the period you mention.
    The season for Oranges in Israel is between November and March, w
    Israel is a main provider of other citrus fruits to the European Union and More than half the annual crop is exported,.
    Do not hesitate t contact me if or my partner Gustavo Nadel you need full ref locations or advise.

    Be good
    Andrea Turek

    M: +97237228171- Israel

    Helen Bowes

    Hello Sam!
    My name is Andrea Turek and I’m the executive Producer at TNKS ISRAEL.
    I think ISRAEL is the perfect place to shoot oranges in the period you mention.
    The season for Oranges in Israel is between November and March, w
    Israel is a main provider of other citrus fruits to the European Union and More than half the annual crop is exported,.
    Do not hesitate t contact me if or my partner Gustavo Nadel you need full ref locations or advise.

    Be good
    Andrea Turek

    M: +97237228171- Israel

    Hi Sam,

    In Brazil, at the state of Sao Paulo, you can find billions of orange trees. We have oranges year-round.
    we are the largest producers.

    Best regards.

    Marcelo Cotrim

    Come shoot in South Africa. Plenty of Orange Farms here. or +27769353198

Viewing 13 posts - 16 through 28 (of 28 total)

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