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Forums Pre-Production Forum Paris look alike location needed !!!

This topic contains 10 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Stefan Kirov 16 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Stefan Kirov

    Hi Folks,
    I am looking for a location to shoot a commercial. Scriptwise the the location is Paris, ,for budget reasons it needs to look like some typical paris neigbourhood but needs to be be somewhere else, where you can shoot for a smaller budget. I am thinking of east europe. Can someone please recommend something? Any ideas? Any references? The shooting date is not fixed but most likely feb or march 08. Thanks a lot


    Hello Alexander,
    May be Buenos Aires can be suitable for your script both location & budget wise.
    Please, e-mail me the boards and I will send you some reference pictures.

    Best regards,

    Julieta García Llano
    Assistant Executive Producers

    Hi Alexander,

    Prague has substituted Paris for several times. If you are interested, send me your script and we will provide you with pleasure with budget and location pictures.
    Kind regards,

    David Rauch, producer, U.F.O. Pictures, “Down to Earth production company”, Prague, Czech republic,

    Remi Noiriel

    Hi Alex,
    if you need to shoot Paris, come to Prague. It would be good to see your storyboard & know a bit more of your location needs. Then we can give you some PARIS look like ads for we’ve shot in Prague for your reference. I look forward to hearing from you.

    My best,

    Daniel Heyna-Vetrovsky
    Executive Producer
    Rotor Prodcutions Prague

    Remi Noiriel


    we will send you a link with a couple of TV ads look like Paris we have shot in Prague later on today.
    Please, feel free to contact me anytime:
    cell:+420-602 308 660

    Please have a look on Prague is very similar as Paris.. pls do not hesitate to ask for help / locations / budget.

    Eddie Dias

    Dear Alexander, my name is Elena, i’m writing you from the part of Kiev based production hause “Marmeladefilm”. Being already 3 years on the market Marmeladefilm in it’s list of service jobs has commercials for Belgium, France, Germany, Poland, Lebanon, Russia and Kazakhstan. I sent you letter with our FTP adress where i put some pictures of Kiev. waiting for your feedback

    Bryan Mangan

    Dear Alexander,
    Budapest is a prime location that has been used to represent Paris numerous times, both in commercials and feature films. It also offers significant savings compared to Western European locations.
    Our studio has extensive international contacts and can assist your Hungarian production in every aspect, including production services, location scouting, VAT refund, and of course sound stages and state-of-the-art post production.
    Please contact us:
    Daniel Kresmery, Korda Studios

    ciao alex
    paris look alike is torino in italy 100%

    check this out:

    very easy to shoot and not expensive.

    Jim Edgar

    hi Alex
    my name is Jaouhar
    I’m thinking if i can help you doing your shoot in Tunisia as its the closest country to Europe in africa also it has a huge French influence and architectures
    please if you can specify your project , I will be more able to assist you.
    contact me on 07921366799

    good luck

    Liana Jaqeli


    peter verver

    Try Seville, Spain

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)

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