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Forums Photo Shoot in Agentina

This topic contains 9 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Hayley Clapham 13 years ago.

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  • Hello

    Im from Boden, a UK based fashion catalogue and we are potentially looking to shoot in Agentina in mid June. We need a snowy location and a good production company with experience of producing & managing a commercial stills photoshoot involving children. We would also need help with casting.

    Can anyone offer any suggestions / advice

    Many thanks

    hi, i dont know if thats relevant for you, in austria’s alpine areas there is also snow in summer on the glaciers, with the benefit of reasonable temperatures and a great infrastructure even on the highest mountain-peak.

    if that sounds interesting for you, mail me at: cheers, k.

    Tavi Stavila

    Try (Alejandro Lanezan).

    Cona Casares

    Hello Hayley

    My name is Cona Casares, producer from Mondophoto, we are based in Buenos Aires since 2004.
    I invite you to check out our website, you can see there our jobs done in the past. We have worked for several US brands in the past like Bergdorf & Goodman, Saks Fifth Ave, and we produced lots of shots in the snow for small and big crews.

    I will be waiting for your contact



    Cona Casares
    MondoPhoto Executive Producer
    Skype: mondocona
    Buenos Aires – Argentina

    Hi Hayley,

    Please contact my favorite guys in South America :) They will offer you the best services!!

    His details below:

    Cona Casares
    Mondo Executive Producer
    Gorriti 6076
    Buenos Aires – Argentina
    Tel: +5411 4116-2200
    mobile: +54911 6566-2000
    Skype: mondocona

    Kind Regards,

    David Brenton-Wakelin
    Executive Producer
    Diamond Dog Films
    Southern, Eastern & Western Africa
    Facsimile: +2786 240 6607
    Cellular: +2773 573 8922
    Skype ID: diamonddogfilms

    Cona Casares

    Hi Hayley

    Here are some snow location references from Argentina.
    Contact me so I can send you more and provide you with an estimate.



    Cona Casares
    MondoPhoto Executive Producer
    Skype: mondocona
    Buenos Aires – Argentina

    Rok Ban

    Hi, I can highly recommend the guys of Ocean Films, they do commercials, guess they can arrange a photo shoot as well.

    Best from Berlin Tom

    Hi Hayley,

    Why go all the way to Argentina when all the snow, Ice, black sands and greenery is almost at your door step in Iceland all within 2 hours drive from one another? :)

    I am positive we can find all you need in Iceland and cheaper.

    Best Regards
    Arni Bjorn Helgason
    Executive Producer

    Mobile: +354 824-4550



    If planning to come to South America why not Chile? We got snow mountains within main city Santiago at a 40 min drive.

    We got experience and will provide and excelent production service!

    Drop me a line if we can help you!



    José Miguel Barake
    International Producer
    Cine3 Producciones
    +56 (02) 549-5000
    +56 (9) 9-8716793
    Francisco Bilbao 2945
    skype: jmbarake

    Hi Hayley
    I can highly recommend the guys of MondoPhoto, the best option for this kind of productions in Argentina!!!

    Best Regards

    Charles S

    consider that in italy there are glacier that can allow a shoot on the snow.
    Plateau Rosà is 1,30 h drive from milan and reach an eight of almost 3,500 meters with an easy access to the heights, i am attaching a couple of pics taken in june/july.
    If you are interested i am disposal
    mob +39 335 352719
    skype cpintus

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