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Forums Port Location

This topic contains 27 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Nadya Donna 8 years, 8 months ago.

Viewing 14 posts - 16 through 29 (of 29 total)
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  • Hi Mandy,
    Macedonia might be interesting location for your project. Attached several picture proposals. If you need more pictures and info about shooting in Macedonia, please e-mail us.
    Looking forward to continue the discussion.

    Best regards,

    Sektor Film
    +389 2 3296 619

    Hello Mandy,

    Cyprus would be a good location, if you need any information please do not hesitate to contact me. Our company is CarettaFPS (Film Production Services) My cell phone is + 357 99686707


    Nick Hadjipavlou

    PS. There is the Nicosia International Airport which has been abandoned since 1974 and if you are interested we can try see if we can use it for filming an advert.

    Hi Mandy,

    We can help you with this project in Thailand. Please check our website:

    Feel free to contact me with more details.

    Theo Bloke

    Hi Mandy,

    I believe there are a lot of alternatives in Portugal, I’ll be glad to assist you. Please give me an email adress to send

    Hi Mandy

    I have an Airport, Airport Hangers, Massive deserted warehouses, air strip that can be used for driving, deserted airstrip , what kind of port you need?

    Thank You
    Cade Johnston
    Mindblowing Productions

    Mirta Jusic

    Hi Mandy,

    We can offer you ports, airports, hangars, deserted or half-built and then abandoned buildings, and some very attractive roads for test drives in Croatia.

    Please e-mail me do discuss the details and possible shooting dates.


    Mirta Jusic,
    Your Fixer in Croatia

    Hi Mandy,

    Turkey can be a great option for the locations you mentioned.
    If you can send me your email address, I would be happy to send you some reference pictures and details about shooting in Turkey.


    Zeynep Köprülü
    Periferi Film

    I’ve got exactly what you need in Singapore.
    We shot a Mercedes commercial in a similar location a few months ago.

    Drop me an email if Singapore is an option… it’s a great place to shoot.

    Tel: +65-96262956

    Frank Fixer

    Hi Mandy

    Sri Lanka would be an great option for you.

    If you send your details we could send you references


    Film Island

    Kenya would be the best destination to film and has all this locations needs available.

    Tony Rimwah

    Hi Mandy!
    In Russia – Moscow, St Petersburg and other cities – we have the locations you need. And I think it will be rather cheap.
    E-mail me:

    Hi there,
    Not sure if it is too late, but have great location in Croatia….abandoned military airport, just next to the sea, with abandoned hangars. There is also nice option on north Adriatic coast.
    pictures available.
    Do contact me on or +385 91 541 6683

    Fred Tolboom

    Hi Mandy,

    Did you find what you were looking for ? We can supply you with some locations from Istanbul if you are still in need.


    Chad Ozturk
    chad (at) jaguarposta (dot) com

    Ken Lawrence


Viewing 14 posts - 16 through 29 (of 29 total)

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