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Forums Production assistant/runner with Arabic

This topic contains 2 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Monique Solanas 9 years, 1 month ago.

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  • Hello,

    we are filming part of a documentary in Lesbos and we need a person who can help us with the logistics.

    We want to make a route from Lesbos to Athens and cross the Greece/FYROM border. It will take a few days (3-4).

    She/he has to be used to drive long distances, be resolute and speak fluent English and Arabic. If she/he speaks some Spanish would be perfect.

    Thank you,


    Hi Sara,

    You might find some of these previous requests for film location production services in Greece useful:


    I can help you with all you need (am especially good at the both the fixing and driving) but unfortunately speak neither arabic nor spanish just yet. I could however source help for local translators for the duration of our collaboration on site.

    You can visit our website for more information on previous work and experience, or get in touch via phone or email (I will also respond to your email address directly).

    Thanks in advance and good luck with the preparations,

    Victoria Trzeciak
    +30 690 6789 007 (mobile)
    +30 2810 752 009 (landline)

    Toivo Nlsen

    Hi Sara,

    many thanks for posting.

    Me and my team have been working extensively on the immigration subject, both on the islands (such as Lesvos ) and the Balkans border line and I would be happy to be of your assistance .

    Kind Regards,

    Eleni Fanariotou
    Service Producer

    +30 2310 201 732
    +30 6998 990 722

    e-mail :
    skype : elenifanariotou

    Join me on Facebook! Fixer In Greece :

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

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