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Forums Production / Location Fixer in Sweden

This topic contains 7 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  John Cody 9 years, 7 months ago.

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  • John Cody

    Hello, I’m looking for a Fixer to help with a commercial shoot in Sweden. Needs to shoot August 23-27, 2015. We’re a Canadian production team shooting a small travel commercial in a documentary travel type shoot. I’ll be traveling with 5 crew members and camera gear. Looking for someone who can help organize transportation and securing locations etc.

    thank you

    Hi there.

    Where in Sweden do you need this fixer` Please get back with me at my regular mail and i wil be happy to help you with contacts.

    My mail:

    Warm regards,

    Ingrid Rudefors
    film commissioner Stockholm and Sweden

    Hi Todd,

    I strongly suggest you speak with Fatima at She’s great. Give me a yell if you need any help in any way.

    regs, Matt.

    Matthew GORMLY
    DP / Lighting Cameraman
    Sweden / +46.(0)768 47 19 15

    Hello! Since Sweden can accommodate a lot of different looking locations, it would help a lot if you could specify your needs :-) Please feel free to contact me via: mobile: +46 70480 33 57, or mail: My area of expertise is the south of Sweden (Greater Copenhagen) but I have contacts throughout Sweden. A brief collection of locations in southern Sweden can be seen here:
    We also have a Location bus if you need a “rolling” production office: Unfortunately the FB page is so far only in Swedish, but you can get an idea of what it is by looking at the pics…

    All the best,
    /Oscar Hansen


    We can arrange it,
    Regards Joachim


    Feel free to contact me.

    I’m a location scout / fixer since 30 years. Based in Stockholm.
    password fixlocation

    Rickard Molin

    Monica Nicolaidou

    Please feel free to contact us at Salmonfox. We are based in the North of Sweden (Lapland) and we do assignment all over Sweden. We have more than 10 years of experience working as fixers for all types of production service projects. Please visit us on Facebook or our website /all the best <img src="smileys/heart.gif" width="" height="" alt="<3" title=" Susanne Karlsson, Service Producer +46702619617


    Greetings from the office of the NeedAFixer team in Sweden.

    I saw that you are looking for a fixer in Sweden and we would be more than happy to work with you.

    As you may already know, Need A Fixer is one of the largest team of researchers, fixers, producers and location managers around the world, who have united our powers in order to offer an amazing level of services at competitive prices. We pride ourselves for being the first point of contact of many international filmings and having worked with some of the major TV stations and production companies, which have been highly recommending us to new clients.

    We are looking forward to hearing more about the details of your needs, and we will do our very best to secure the success of the shoot.

    Please contact us at

    And as we like to say: Need a fixer? Then, click on, cause we simply make it happen!

    Thank you,

    Astra Taylor

    We are the most experienced production service provider in Scandinavia, with great location-scouts and location managers on our contact list. We service small productions and large shoots as well as tv programs and internationals commercials.

    No one has done more and has the experience as we have

    Please surf to to se what we have done through the 31 years we have been around. And we have an official press card, full production insurance and great discounts on equipment, hotels and crew.

    We also have a representative in Canada if you want to talk to someone in your time zone


    You can find contact info on

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