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Forums Production service is needed

This topic contains 23 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Paul Mukasa 13 years, 5 months ago.

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  • Paul Mukasa

    I’m looking for a company to service a shoot in the following locations:
    1. Europe
    2. Argentina/Chili
    We’ll need full servicing ie. casting, location scout, hotels, crew and equip, permits etc..
    It’s gonna be 2 TVC’s, autumn and winter stories at the same time. That means we need to find the locations, satisfying our needs for both stories. Local casting. All characters should have European, Slavic look.
    Please get in contact if you can help out in any of the locations, I’ll send briefs so you can quote as accurately as possible.
    Please get in touch ASAP, all the shooting will be taking place between 23d and 27th of September.

    Hi Julia,

    We can help you with this no problem, we cover most of the Southern Hemisphere locations so please do let me know?

    Chat soon.

    Kind Regards,

    David Brenton-Wakelin
    Executive Producer
    Diamond Dog Films
    Southern, Eastern & Western Africa
    Telephone: +2721 945 3254
    Facsimile: +2786 616 1959
    Cellular: +2773 573 8922
    Skype ID: diamonddogfilms

    Dear Julia ,

    My name is Daniel Alvarez and I would like to put in the picture our company The Brownie Film Company.

    It is possible that you already know us due to our time shooting in the international market (including Russia) and Spain with our tabletop directors. In this opportunity I would like to present our Production Services in Spain & Uruguay where we opened our own office in 2010.

    Please send all available details about the project in order to find a suitable solution for it.

    Sincerely from Uruguay,

    Daniel Alvarez

    Hadad Felix

    Hello Julia My name is Felix Hadad production management company in South America with offices in Chile (base) Argentina, Peru and Colombia, our company has 10 years in the market and we have the basis of most major Latin American locations we’ll be happy to assist you in your project, check out our website some of our base is in work ..Tell me about the locations you’re looking to send references

    Hello from Greece

    We maintain a location house in Greece

    We collaborate with the best production companies ( click clients and again clients) and the best casting houses of course.

    Please sent details of your project


    Kostas Tagalakis
    (0030) 6937121987

    Hello Julia,

    If you are interested in shooting in the North of Spain we can give you a hand. We have a database with production companies around, hotels, interpreters, locations…. (

    We process the shooting permits here in the office.

    Let me know what kind of locations you need and we could look for some pictures.

    Kind Regards,
    Ainara Ispizua

    Vitoria-Gasteiz Film Office
    0034 – 945162597


    We are a production services company based in the south of France, please feel free to send me your brief. I am the producer of the company.


    Antonin Dedet
    P: + 33 (0)6 07 75 25 18

    Paris office
    22 Boulevard de Belleville
    75011 Paris

    T: +33 (0)1 46 21 46 40
    F: + 33 (0)1 48 00 02 62
    M: + 33 (0)6 29 36 78 01

    South of France office
    33, boulevard Longchamp
    13001 Marseille France
    T: + 33 (0)4 91 08 21 71
    F: + 33 (0)4 91 50 42 95
    M: + 33 (0)6 08 54 71 73

    Hello Julia,

    Film Canary Islands is an experienced service production company on the Canary Islands and maybe we can help with your project. The Canary Islands offer a wide variety of loctions, european cast, hispanic (south-american) architecture and film friendly travel logistics. Have a look!

    Kind regards,

    Bernhard Eberstadt

    +34 647454112

    Olá Júlia,
    Have you consider Portugal?
    We have great locations and very competitive prices, please do contact us here at Gorilla Filmes and I will get back to you.

    Mariana Pereira
    Head of Production Service
    +351 934 067 054
    skype: marianabpereira

    Hi Julia,

    I see already lots of replys, some from Spain as well. Here one more!!!
    We are Production company with 15 years experience, and we combine production services as well . From our two main bases in Spain, Madrid and Barcelona, we can cover the whole country. I’m sure you know the good conditions and variety of locations we can offer.

    We would love to get in contact to you and help, even if you just want a try our costs and possibilities.

    Receive my best

    Marta Pérez-Porro
    International Producer

    Hello Julia

    We are a Production Service company base in Argentina with 8 years in the business.
    We also produced projects in Chile & Uruguay.

    If you need locations references for your project, please send me the scripts and moodboards to

    or visit our web site

    Juan Pablo Lasserre. Producer @ Tango Films

    Hi Julia!
    We can help you! Cine3 Productions from Chile.
    Email me at
    I can send you locations and cast references asap.
    All best

    Hi Julia,

    I hope this e-mail finds you well.

    My name is Leandro Ekman, International Executive Producer @ Banana Films, in Argentina and Costa Rica.

    With almost two decade of experience, between Costa Rica and Argentina, BANANA FILMS is recognized by a very personal service and the use of experienced talent capable of delivering truly creative films.
    In BANANA FILMS we bring together the experience and creativity of each of our team members.
    The combination of efforts makes a flavorful and eclectic mix for a great production.

    We invite you to check our website,, so that you can appreciate the level of production we deliver.
    For production services you can check our links at Shots Magazine
    Costa Rica

    Please let me know what do you need, and if you can send me the board/treatment and or script we can put together a presentation for you.

    We do a lot of work with rusian production companies, let me know if you want some references about us.

    All the best,

    Tailor made full Production Services + Argentina to Costa Rica

    Leandro Ezequiel Ekman
    International Executive Producer
    • ARG: +54 911 6757-1060
    • USA: +1 305-205-9173
    • SKYPE: leandroekman

    Please, think green before printing this e-mail…

    Roman Finger

    Hi Julia,
    why not consider the Czech Republic?
    Please feel free to send me a detailed brief and we’ll back to you as soon as possible.
    Kind regards,

    Hi Julia…

    We are a production company based in Argentina.

    You could see the level of our productions in our website´s directors/reels and also you could see a small clip with some info about production services we offer (locations, facilities, etc.)

    ( )

    We often work with the most experimented technicians and providers in the local industry and we usually move production services from Argentina to other countries in the world like Russia, so we are familiarized with the russian production systems and the rest of european and asian countries.

    Please let us know if you need some other info about us, Argentina or the entire region.

    Have a nice evening and kind regards…

    Antonio Vallarta
    P R O D U C E R
    Bonpland 2138 – Palermo
    Buenos Aires – Argentina
    Office (+5411) 4773-2025
    Mobile (+54911) 3623-1517
    Skype: avallarta

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 25 total)

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