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Forums Pre-Production Forum robinson crusoe locations/sailing shipwrack

This topic contains 12 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Omar Abou-Zeid 17 years, 7 months ago.

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  • looking for a robinson crusoe location.
    island, beach, jungle, rough coast for shipwrack, sailing, etc. shootperiod septembre


    Sue Elliott

    Hi Mireille, Antoine here from Bay Vista Production Services in Cuba ( very good production values). I have an excellent location in mind near a place called Baracoa in Cuba, just an hours drive from Havana. I am currently in France and please feel free to call me on my french mobile: +33 6 11 54 13 59 or Email:
    I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks, Antoine Sabarros

    Paul Ashby

    Murray Ashton from The Location Guide contacted our office for your location request. Please supply me with a physical address so that I may mail you our promo-kit with all the information needed for filming on our beatiful island. Included would be photographs. You can access our web site and start browsing through ou location gallery and see some of the locations our island can provide.

    My e-mail is and phone numbers are 787/758-4747 ext. 2254 or 787/316-1070.

    Saludos…………..Marvin Crespo

    Mireille – Our company is Caribbean Crews.
    Tel: 1 268 460 1111.
    Several Caribbean Islands could work for this script, but would like to know more before I make any suggestions.

    Feel free to contact should you wish.
    Louise Sandiford

    Dear Mireille,

    I will email you some information about The Bahamas Film Studios where “Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest” and “At World’s End” were filmed. We’re close to the US, have local crews and even have a pirate ship from the period.

    Diana McGonigal

    Hi Mireille,
    my company is the CARIBBEAN PRODUCTON SERVICE CORP., I am based in Barbados, but I do provide service for other islands as well. Please check my webpage for location shots
    I have an extensive archive, so if you would like to see more, just get in touch with me. You will find also contact, company info, work samples and client list on my webpage.
    Kind regards
    Ellen Hoch-Kramer,
    tel 001-246-432 7887, cel, 001-246-231 8546

    You will be pleased to note that the original Robinson Crusoe was filmed on location in Tobago. Tobago also served as a location for Swiss Family Robinson, Heaven knows Mr. Allison and Fire Down Below.
    Trinidad and Tobago present unique contrasts with Trinidad’s exhuberant, cosmopolitan style complemented by Tobago’s quiet charm and soulful simplicity.
    Pristine coastlines, rainforests, mountains, savannahs, quaint fishing villages, multi-cultural sites and a variety of architectural styles create unique backdrops for stories set in a tropical landscape. Our islands’ population is reflective of diverse cultures and ethnicities.
    Please feel free to contact us:
    Tel # 868-625FILM (3456)
    Fax: 868-624-2683

    gary hayes

    Hi Mireille, Fernando E. Medina from Del Patio Productions here in the Dominican Republic, I belief you could find all your productions need in the island, I was the locations scout and co-locations manager for Miami Vice here, come and for yourself, you would not be sorry. (809)481-6136

    Hi Mr.Murray,
    The making of Robinson Crusoe seems like an interesting subject and We have some beautiful locations in India like the Andaman Nicobar Islands,Lakshwadeep etc to suit the mood of the film which could be quite apt.
    For further details please get in touch with us
    +91 2223512787.In the meanwhile,we are sending you some pictures of these locations.Please have a look at them.

    Fanny Gauret

    Barbados would be an ideal location.

    The east coast of the island have some of the most beautiful and rugged beaches in the Caribbean.
    There are several production houses here with a range of film and video equipment and experienced crew. Our infrasturcture , roads, hotels, air/seaport telecommunications, etc make working here second to none.
    please contact The FIlm Group at 1246-428-3141 or for more info , location visit .
    Mahmood Patel

    hi dear Mireille, what about corsica? I guess perfect spots and not too much travel costs… I’m Fred from Factory if good memories we were in tuch for a job a few time ago, again my contact are fred@factory.mc – cell +336 0996 4827, all best, Fred

    Hello Mireille:
    We are independent spanish-dominican producers. We´ve been line producers for several films and documentaries. We produced the Official Tourism Documentary for the Dominican Republic. More than 48 hrs. of footage. 3 simmultaneous units (air, sea, land). The documentary was awarded at the Berlin Tourist Fair. We can offer you, not only the best locations (desserts, beaches, islands….), but also the logistics for your line production.
    We are downloading more pictures at
    You can contacts us at
    Eunice Janssen

    Hi mireille, Have you found locations for this project? If not you know all my details and why not do this one in Sri Lanka. Send me the story board and the script. Will send some location references and will take it from there onwards. Best Regards, Priyanga, , Sri Lanka.


    if you are still looking for that perfect location to shoot
    Robinson Crusoe why dont you consider Cuba.
    We have producing here fore more then 10 Years and can provide you with all your Production needs to very good prices.
    Our Island is full of Rich Locations,beautifull Beaches,Rocky shores,jungle like locations etc..
    send me all your needs and I will put together a Location Package for you .
    please view my website at


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