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Forums Pre-Production Forum Rugby field locations needed….

This topic contains 43 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Sue Elliott 17 years, 2 months ago.

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  • Sue Elliott

    We are looking for rugby field locations worldwide for a large multinational production that are visually very interesting and situated in extraordinary locations, urban, village, mountain, beach, dessert, jungle etc… They don’t necessarily need to look like formal rugby grounds but also locations with atmophere where rugby is played or rugby training takes place. Any ideas for these locations or local rugby contacts ( Rugby Clubs, Associations etc… ) would be very much appreciated. Please respond through this Pre-Production Forum. With many thanks and best wishes, Antoine Sabaross ( Bay Vista Prods – France)

    Sarah Smith

    Hi Antoine,
    I write from Dublin Ireland, where there are many Rugby fields across the country. Our most famous is currently being rebuilt, however, for the time being, the main stadium is Croke Park, which is right in the city centre and holds in excess of 80,000 people. Across the country are many fields for rugby and Irish football, close to the sea, in the middle of farmland and right beside small towns and villages. Let me know if you would like us to source you some references, or perhaps you could email me a brief. Kind regards

    Max Brady

    Hugh Barrett

    Dear Antoine,

    i am head of research at The Asylum a commercials production house. Rugby is one of our national sports, we have different loaction options available in SA that would easily match your requirements. we would be happy to assist you wherever possible as well as putting a ftp site together with references to show you whats available for yor requirements. let me know…

    should need anything else please contact me at: or contact or executive producer sean beukes

    Dear Antoine
    After the previous two mails from my local South African colleagues, I don’t have to convince you to look to South Africa as a solution! I can however invite you to take advantage of our locations database that carries in excess of 215,000 catalogued images for a taste of what SA can offer as a solution to your search. You are welcome to contact me at Kind regards IAN NIVISON

    Greg Marcks

    Dear Antoine,

    Sonja ter Horst from Sub urban in South Africa.
    +27 21 426 2577

    Naturally you will find a wide variety of the locations you desire in and around South Africa, being the rugby capital of the world. There are locations in and around Cape Town that will give you the various options of fields with a variety of vistas which may suit your requirements.

    Our research department will be uploading a database selection for your viewing and approval. Your feedback will enable us to tailormake the search specifically to offer you the best creative solution.

    Warm regards


    Peter Mayo


    I’m sending this from Cape Town.

    I’m not sure how to send you a few pix. Mail me your address at:

    We have a handful of pictures on file of rugby fields ranging from school fields with beautiful tree and mountain backdrop to dusty township fields.

    Hugh Barrett
    Filmscape Producer
    T +27 21 461-7950
    C +27 82 577-9228

    Hi Antoine, Martin Heynecke from Cyclone Films Cape Town. As the previous entries point out the options for rugby fields, both formal and informal exist across the breadth of South Africa. Another option could be Namibia as well, rugby is played there and the landscapes are many and varied. Please mail me your details on and we will gladly supply you with reference images or send out a location scout. Tel +27 21 4615744 mob +27 82 4944727


    I have a rather “peculiar” idea for your project (of course, in terms of locations). Mail me at Cheers

    Mike Tucker

    G’day Antoine, Here in Sydney and nearby towns we have literally thousands of rugby grounds to choose from. If you take into account the whole of Australia, we can offer you fantastic fields in a huge variety of locations. We have great contacts with Rugby administration and have set up many a rugby match for filming. Our location company is available to begin your research/scout. if you need more information contact me at or visit . All the best, Kevin

    Gwen Swart

    Hi there,

    Carmen from Velocity Films here, as most of my South African collegues have already said, this is rugby country…(and winners of the world cup!!!) Send me further info and your email address, and I can send you some reference pics. My mail is or you can reach me on +27 82 660 48 60

    Kiaora Antoine
    New Zealand has more rugby fields per capita than anywhere else in the world. We can offer you a fabulous variety from large international style stadiums to rumpty fields with wonky old posts in the country-side or even near sand dunes by the sea. Email me with more details and I would be happy to assist. Au revoir, Peter.

    Hello, if you are looking for various locations very interesting visually where a rugby field can be set up then I could definitly help. The traditional Rugby fields are not Romania’s strongest points but various eyecatching locations are not a problem. Pls contact me at and I would be glad to send you some reffrences. Best, Ovi

    Tavi Stavila

    Bonjour Antoine, je vous ecris de Tunis (Tunisie, Afrique du nord), ici vous trouverez des terrains de foot gazonés qui peuvent servir pour le rugby, nichés dans la montagne ou entourné de gradins pour 60 milles personnes…Nous pouvons vous fournir des photos (de centres de formation même) et plus de details selon vos demandes.
    vous pouvez nous ecrire à : ou me contacter au + 216 98 51 05 87
    Cordialement. Ramses

    hello Antoine: I am contacting you from Argentina, regarding your enquiry. I won’t comment very much about the results on the latest Rugby World Championship!.
    Anyways, you should be aware that we have a lot of rugby fields in argentina, as well as a diversity of locations, going from deserts, jungles, glaciers, and urban landscapes, Also the cost ratio in argentina is still very convenient specially in relation to the euro.
    If you need picture refs or any assistance in order to make a decission don’t hesitate in contacting me at

    Hi Antoine. im a service provider from Bucharest Romania. there are few Rugby fields and facillities here.
    i can send yoy photos made for a movie where we scouted for rugby field. in Addition, Bucharest is a good place to shoot forign commercials, as you might know… my e mail: best regards…

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