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Forums Seeking Great Stills Producer’s in Chile

This topic contains 1 reply, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Sergej Stanojkovski 12 years, 3 months ago.

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  • I’m looking for a producer for a catalogue shoot in Chile during October/November. I want to steer clear of large film production companies and focus on very experienced independent/freelance/small boutique agencies that can cover producing shoots near Santiago, further south in the Lakes and further north in the desert. Ideally one producer, one assistant and local drivers/vehicles. We organise our own team to travel from the UK (photographer, phot. assistant, digital operator, stylist, make up artist, hair stylist and models). We do no pay a mark up on purchases, only day rates for the producer and assistant, everything else we expect to pay for directly at cost, or only a small administration fee applied for catering, equipment and vehicles. We require back up receipts for all purchases.
    Please email CV/Portfolio/References and Day Rates for Producers shoot/prep fee and production assistants shoot/prep fees.

    Hadad Felix

    Hi Emily
    I´m felix hadad, I worked over the last 15 years in Chile in the adevertising, photography and film areas.
    I have made more than 200 commercials, videos and films throughout my country.
    I will be more than happy to help you and work in your project, could you please send me more details of it, so I could understand the amount of work and days required to develop the local production and I could quote it properly.

    You could find references in or in

    Thank you and best regards,

    Felix Hadad

    Kasie Moore

    Dear Emily.

    I just wanted to know if you still need a producer from Chile, Let me tell you that we have done the production for The Amazing Race show when they come here and many other productions from a photo shoot in the Atacama desert for Eric Bompard and a Photo Shoot for Louis Vuitton in Patagonia this last March. I like to offer you my help in anything you need, .

    Best regards,
    Pablo del Rio Larraín
    Tel/Fax. 56 2 9263680
    Cell Phone. 56 9 77047285
    Skype: pablodelrio1007

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