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Forums Seeking Locations in Latin America for filming February 2014

This topic contains 17 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Kim Leong 11 years, 1 month ago.

Viewing 4 posts - 16 through 19 (of 19 total)
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  • Hi Merri,

    This is Calé from Ecuador. You are totally right if you are coming to Ecuador for your shooting, all your locations are here, it’s secure, cheap local workforce, same US dollars you use, well… I think you’ve been here before.

    Right now I’m just finishing a project in Mexico but I’ll be back on Friday, Dec. 20th.

    We have extensive experience working with foreign crews and overseas projects, we can handle all your needs (shooting permits, legal paperwork, customs clearance, local hiring and rentals, logistics, and many others).

    Let’s talk! my email is



    Hi Merri:

    Ecuador would be a good location for you. We have experience shooting feature films with international crews. Please contact us in our web page:


    Gigia Jaramillo
    Production Manager

    Hi Merri,

    My name is Ibrahim Alturki, Filmmaker/Executive Producer, Owner of Plan C productions.
    We are a production house based in Morocco. After reading through your locations’ requirements, I must say that you need to film in Morocco!!
    All of these locations are in Morocco. One country! a known destination for major international productions.
    Equipment, cast and experienced crew are available in here!
    I’ve already sent you an email about it. Waiting for your reply in order to share further details.


    Ibrahim Alturki
    Plan C productions
    Skype: cnalp.bob
    +212 670 01 33 33
    +212 664 50 31 33

    Dear Merri, you can find all those luxury shops in Buenos Aires! We were already in contact, but now I’ve seen the post updating your needs, so I will send you an email on that, ok?
    Any request, you can find me at, or at

    Our web is

    Happy 2014!

Viewing 4 posts - 16 through 19 (of 19 total)

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