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Forums Service Help Needed for Filming Quinoa in Sth America

This topic contains 2 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Priyanka Kher 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • I’m working on a TV Commercial for Rapid Films ( in Sydney Australia. We are looking at filming Quinoa fields in full bloom or Quinoa fields that are being harvested in South America in the next month. If someone specifically knows about this it would be helpful. We looked into Bolivia as the locations are amazing but we can’t tell if the Quinoa fields are in full bloom ready for harvest.

    Can you please help me with a very good local locations scout/fixer or service company? Basically i just need the following as a start:

    1. Where there are currently Quinoa fields in South America that are in full bloom, ideally Quinoa fields where it might be harvest time.
    2. I need a list of very good commercials cinematographers from South America with show reel.
    3. i need daily cost of a very high end DP and for a fixer

    I need to get some costs together and also work out if it is harvest time at the moment for Quinoa in South America.

    I am currently in Guatemala.
    Please email me or call me in Guatemala on +502 30440029

    My skype is – jesseallan

    Email is

    Many thanks


    Hi Jesse,

    It seems that Quinoa is grown in Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru and Colombia. Can I suggest you use the fabulous location guide directory above and contact location researchers, location finders and location scouts in these countries who I am sure can help you with this location request. You may also want to contact Production Service Companies in these locations for assistance. Good luck.

    With best wishes,


    Delroy Dixon

    Hello Jesse,

    I got this request from one of your competitors in Australia, but unfortunately quinoa is out of season in both Bolivia and Peru right now. We tried to get the agency to move fast, as there were a few fields left in Peru for the next couple weeks, but apparently they couldn’t get it done that quickly.

    Happy to help you location requests for quinoa in other times of the year. March and April are good target months.

    cheers, Bud Theisen

    Bud Theisen
    Straightforward Films
    cel. +5699-818-2067
    skype: budtheisen
    iChat: bud.theisen

    seonkwon hwang

    Hi Jesse,

    We provide logistics services for media productions based in La Paz Bolivia.

    About your requirements,

    1. Where there are currently Quinoa fields in South America that are in full bloom, ideally Quinoa fields where it might be harvest time.
    The Quinoa areas in Bolivia are located in the central and south west, that means La Paz, Oruro and Potosi. The harvest time goes from march to may, now we are out of season.

    2. I need a list of very good commercials cinematographers from South America with show reel.
    We have been working with almost all the good cinematographers in Bolivia during the last 8 years, so, we can give you a list with good contacts

    3. i need daily cost of a very high end DP and for a fixer
    The daily cost its around 250 – 350 USD for a pro DP
    Our rate per day working as a fixer its 250 USD

    If you need more information please let me know.


    Marcos Soto Montpellier
    Av. Ballivián No. 813, edificio Molino mezanine oficina 106. Calacoto
    Teléfono: + 591 2 2772546 / 70647427

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