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Forums Pre-Production Forum Shanghai_China

This topic contains 4 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Brooks Ludwick 17 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Author
  • I am a still photographer coming to Shanghai May 15th to May 20th.

    I need a producer who lives in Shanghai to put together:
    Casting Call
    House Locations that I can stay in and shoot in
    Props Person/Stylist

    This is a stil shoot for the internet we are on a medium budget.

    Please email maggie@maggiehallahan.coom

    Dear Maggie,

    If you ever decided to come to Sri Lanka for a photography shoot please keep our details for contact. We have served many fashion photographers around the world. We have locations for any kind of photography shoot. Please visit our web site at for some locations pics and contact details.

    Best Regards,

    james nutt

    Dear Maggie,

    We are a production house based in Shanghai, feel free to reach me for more details.


    Happy to talk with you about such a photoshoot. Not sure if we can find you a house to live and shoot in but their are some reasonable options for a tight budget in Shanghai, for example some of these model apartments which show perspective buyers what an apartment buildings layout will be while the real building is still under construction. Also there are historic and interesting hotels to stay in here in Shanghai that have good internet connections and do not cost an arm and a leg. Drop me an email and I can send you some photos.

    Dear Maggie.

    I am a freelance producer who are experienced co-production and we provide location scout, casting…etc. one-stop production service.
    my email address is
    tel: (86) 13611774322
    If you need any info, please do not hesitate to contact me.


    Brian Szeto

    HI maggie,

    Jusrin here again fomr JaidCreative. Just noticed that you are going to China as well. We can do that for you as well. We have a great producer on the ground who specializes inthis type of Still. She is a wonderful lady and you will have a great time shooting. I’m actually going to Shangahi on Monday for a shoot. Anyway, hope to hear from you.

    Justin Carson
    Owner / Producer
    Jaid Creative Productions
    5-12-27 Shirokane, Minato-ku,
    Tokyo 108-0072 Japan
    TEL: +81 3 5423-6855
    FAX: +81 3 5423-6856
    Mobile:+81 80 3004 4057

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

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