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Forums Shoot in Thailand

This topic contains 8 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  CE Bessa 10 years, 11 months ago.

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  • CE Bessa


    I will be in Bangkok this May 2-5 for scouting both Bangkok and going over to Burma for same. I was a producer on a film that shot in Kanchanaburi back in ’99. Liked my time there very much.

    Looking for a 1920’s circa Thai village for current project. Any thoughts?



    please feel free to contact us at

    we have extensive experience in both myanmar and also thailand

    Gay Lombard

    Hi Edwin,
    Please feel free to contact us, we specialize in guerrilla-style shoots and can offer you a number of location options:

    Gay Lombard

    Hi Edwin,
    Please feel free to contact us, we specialize in guerrilla-style shoots and can offer you a number of location options:

    Agron Domi

    Hi Edwin,

    Feel free to contact me:

    Our website:

    Please could you forward a brief and I can forward to my EPs in Bangkok.

    Look forward to hearing from you,


    Eric Brown

    Hi Edwin
    there are several types of Thai village depending on which are or look you want they vary in different parts of Thailand. While in Myanmar the locations are more virgin but difficult for production and budgetary control….. have to weigh pros and cons.
    Happy to talk with you check our website or drop me a line

    Looking forward to hearing from you

    Pak Chaisana
    Managing Director / Executive Producer
    A Grand Elephant Production

    Hello Edwin

    Welcome back to Thailand.

    The two most common view of a Thai village in 1920’s would be

    1. Near the river with few huts clustered tight together.

    2. A floating village, with transportation on the boats.

    There are few locations around Kanchanaburi and Central Thailand that still retain a similar close look to the image 1 I had attached of a Thai Village in early 1900’s

    However, if you describe more of what exactly you are looking for, we will be able to suggest you more locations that matches your needs.

    Please send us an email to and we will get back to you immediately.

    Looking forward to hearing from you.

    Benetone Films

    Fon Paing

    Hi Edwin,

    Please feel free to contact us. We can help you with your location and production needs.

    Phone: +66 877 197281- Les Nordhauser (Managing Director)

    Peter Keydel

    there’s actually already made set of old Thai Village 1900’s in some of the movie studio here in Bangkok.

    Hi Edwin,

    I am Stella from safari films, company based in Thailand and Australia.
    Please feel free to email me at for more information.
    Will be glad to help with locations in Thailand.

    Thank you

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