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Forums Pre-Production Forum Snowy locations in September

This topic contains 14 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Daniel Stewart 17 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Hello,

    I’m researching for Heston Blumenthal: In Search of Perfection. I was wondering if anyone was aware of a location that would be both snowy and have pine trees to film in September for the Christmas Special.

    Any help would be much appreciated.



    motion sales

    Dear Hurley,

    Please do not hesitate to contact me about snow in September in Patagonia (Argentina or Chile). My first rec. so late in our snow season but not yet in yours is is Usuhaia, Tierra del Fuegon. Being the Southernmost city on Earth it has a longer season than, let’s say, Bariloche.

    N i c o l a s E n t e l
    R e d C r e e k P r o d u c t i o n s

    Hi Hurley, in September there will be snow on the mountains and ski areas in New Zealand. Limited options for pine trees, but if you contact me I can show you what we do have. Cheers, William. ,

    Dear Hurley, Nicolas’ advice is correct, although I don’t think you necessarily have to go way down to Tierra del Fuego (which is a beautiful place but will increment the budget); you may get away in September with areas around Bariloche (which is also a beautiful place, and a bit closer than Tierra del Fuego). Conditions in those areas are usually best during the months of July and August, but the snow season in the Andes does officially run from mid-June to mid-October. You can have a look a some location photos on our site:, where we also have general information about the snow season and location areas. Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you need anything. We’d love to help. Lucas Peon – True Pictures –

    Hi Hurley
    The place for you is around bariloche in the South of Argentina, quite stunning locations, good snow and Pine tree conditions normally till early October but would suggest August to shoot to be more dependable on correct conditions you need. To see some pics go to our web…click locations

    Or mail me Adam Cooper Executive Producer at The South Atlantic Film Company based in Buenos Aires at or

    Noe Sanchez

    Hi Hurley

    Do check out out pictures in you have two perfect spots down south in Argentina. It’s called Bariloche and San Martin de los Andes, we’ve shot there several times. I hope I can help you out this time.
    Anything else just email me
    Good luck,

    June Cory

    New Zealand definitely could be an option. The Queenstown region is well resourced and very easy as far and transport goes with an airport just minutes away from the township and great technical crews. September is the end of the winter season and heading into spring so there should be snow still around. Pine trees are also there but not in the abundance that one would associate with scandinavian regions. We would probably need to discuss to ensure that it would suit. We have a permanent representative based in the Queenstown region that is very well informed. Please feel free to drop us a line if you would like to know more.
    Regards Luke

    Beach House Films
    Hi Harley,
    Both Australia and New Zealand have snow in September. Australia has some areas with pine trees in the Victorian ski fields which are film friendly. You can crew out of Melbourne or Sydney for this area. Most of the snow in NZ is above the tree line, so there are only a few places where you can get pine trees in the snow. The ones I know of are on the south island. You can crew from Queenstown. Please call me on +61 411 115 044 if you would like to discuss this further. Tiare

    Maree Hudson

    Hi Hurley,

    Snowy and pine trees in Sept we can do here on the South Island of New Zealand ….. can you give me a little more detail so I could send you some sample pics.
    I do locations and Prod Mngement here in Chch … currently doing a lot of work with BBC NHU

    Alayne McLaren

    Hugo Føsker

    Hi Hurley
    There are limited options with Pine trees above the snowline in NZ. There are more Beech trees whoever its no problem to move the Pine trees onto location in September as the arent seeding. We have permanent offices in Akld and Queenstown and specialise in working in Alpine Environments. Happy to assist if you need more info. Could be that the Canterbury region offers your best bet. Regards Andy Salek

    Dave Comer

    Hello Hurley. I dare say by now you have learnt that yes there should be snow in New Zealand in the month of September. Pine trees are not common within the snow line but they have been dressed in on many occasions. Types of snow locations vary – snow capped mountains, ski fields, spectacular glacial snowy environments. If I can be of any help with more information or reference images feel free to contact me. Katie Smith –
    +649-410 4881 / +6421-790087

    Hi Hurley

    You will find plenty of snow on the glaciers here in Switzerland, but not trees at that altitude. Let me know if you need any further info.

    Kim Belcham

    Wolf Zoettl

    Hello Hurley Goodall,

    It is true that all the snow will only be found in the southern hemisphere during that time of the year but there are still some combination of snow and pines tree be found in China.

    If you want to explore this option, I am willing to send you some reference pictures. Furthermore, I would think that Mr. Heston Blumenthal would be fascinated with oriental spices that is available in China.

    My e-mail address is :

    Leila Fisher

    Thats easy! Pick your location that suits your budget etc, and snow business will dress it for you to perfection… you’ll never see the difference, and save all those flights!
    If you need further info, pls don’t hesitate to contact us.
    KInd regards, Marilyn
    +351 917555361

    Dear Hurley! we are from Peluca Films Argentina and you coudln’t ask for a better timing to find beautifull snows and green pines.
    Please, take a look to this link and see some pictures
    Let us know if you need any further information at or at 0054 11 4545 6200.

    Best regards,


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