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Forums Pre-Production Forum Spainsh speaking Fixer in Miami

This topic contains 5 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Edward Salkeld 19 years ago.

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
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  • We are urgntly looking for a Spanih speaking fixer based in Miami preferably with connections to the Cuban community who could help on a 1hour documentary about Cuban music

    i need more information to see if we can help you out. is there any fee involved for this fixer/coordinator? even though this is a 1 hour documentary it could be a few days of shooting,. How many days do you have projected for shooting. do you already have an idea as to the people that you want to interview? when do you want to do this?
    awaiting your reply,
    Ana Alonso-Moller

    HG Producers, Inc.

    Brent Spector

    Hi Liz,
    What are the dates and your needs for this job?

    Ajai Kapur

    Dear Clara,

    I received your request for a Spanish speaking fixer directly via email. The best way for you to find crew in the Miami area is to contact the Miami Film Commission directly at 305.375.3288, or by email at

    When is the BBC planning to come to Miami to film? I would love to have a chat with anyone from the production company who has questions about filming here in Florida. Feel free to pass along my phone number 850.488.9367 and my email address, to anyone interested in learning more about what Florida has to offer.

    I hope this information helps. Let me know if you have any questions.

    Niki Welge
    State Production Coordinator
    Florida Film Commission
    Executive Office of The Governor, Jeb Bush.

    Ben Tarver

    We can definitely help you with this or any other production need in Miami and Southern Florida.
    We are a bilingual production company with a lot of contacts.
    Please fill us in with details as dates and needs.
    If you want to find out about us please visit:

    Best Regards

    Cesar Ahumada

    I have the right person for you… I just finish a music video in caje 8

    any new info for us?

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

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