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Forums Summer lake shoot / mid march / South America / South Europe?

This topic contains 6 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Cees Clous 11 years ago.

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  • Cees Clous


    we are looking to shoot a lake area in mid march. Swimming, underwater scenes needed. Air temperature above +20-25C, water temperature above +15-18C. Pine trees, leafy forests, plane landscape needed.

    Looking for loc scout & production team hire

    Please contact me via: for refference pictures and more info

    Dear Donatas,

    I will send you an email as well, but I think southern Spain could work beautifully at this time of year- ext temp btwn 21 and 26ºC, water temperature (depending on the lake though) above 15ºC. Will shoot you a mail with pix.

    All the best,


    Peter Welter Soler
    Fresco Film Services S.L.
    Spain & Portugal

    Hi Donatas,

    We’re not in Southern Europe, neither in Southern America, but in Madagascar, but, please, consider this pix as locations, surrounded by lakes, matching within your brief.
    Here are our first ideas :

    Warm Regards,

    Eric SÉRIÈS
    Cell.: +261 32 86 00 535
    Skype : eric.series

    If you feel like travelling to New Zealand we can certainly help you! Let me know if it’s of any interest for you as March is a fabulous time to film here.
    Tiare Tomaszewski
    +61 411 115 044



    Uruguay has lake & pine trees & summer all in 1 !!!

    We will be more than happy to help you out




    There are many interesting locations in INDIA if you have the inclination to film here
    Am attaching a few pictures taken earlier this month
    If these suit your requirement, please do get in touch

    Warm Regards

    Kishore Sinh Parmar

    Dear Donatas,

    Kindly check your inbox for potential locations!

    Plan C productions

    Filip Zafran

    we would warmly recommend Croatia as a suitable option.
    As a land it is film friendly and cheap to shoot in and also easy to access from Lithuania.
    We can offer various locations, some attached to this post.
    Please feel free to contact me if in need of additional information.
    Kind regards,

    Filip Žafran
    cro: +385 (0) 95 55 111 58

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

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