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Forums Pre-Production Forum Summerlike Europeanlike views in winter

This topic contains 9 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Cathrine Klem 19 years, 2 months ago.

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  • Hello!
    Our production house is going to shoot a commercial in February where we need to show european landscapes and a small old european town in summer. We are searching for a location where this can be executed in the best way. We need to see green hills, vineyards and a small ancient town.
    I’ll be happy to receive your suggestions about the location and share more info with you. Please reply to

    Thanks in advance,
    Denis Smagin
    Workshop filmproduction
    Moscow, Russia,
    + 7 495 202 1778

    Margus Õunapuu


    I think in Portugal you will find such locations, as well as nice weather, good prices and about 11-12 sun shooting hours / day.
    I recomend you to look through it’s a free locations database, so you can see some examples of locations.
    They have a production services company as well, they can help you in this specific project.
    Talk w/ Patricia mobile ++351 916 618 020. or

    Good luck
    Joao Sacadura.

    Adam Cooper

    Hi, We are Shoot Argentina, Service Production Company. We can offer several locations with an european mood in Buenos Aires. We are in summer and you will be able to shoot for al least 12 hrs. If you send us some more information about the project, we will send you reference photos. Best and Happy New Year. Julian Vella.(

    Vitus Jiriva

    Greetings from South Africa . As you are well aware , the RSA provides great European lookalike locations and has a favourable climate – especially during the Northern Hemispheres winter. In order to be more effecient with replying to your request , a script or storyboard would be helpful .We have an extensive database so that we can begin immediately with sending reference material .

    Kind regards

    Rick Matthews

    Big Banana Films ( South Africa ), Cinergy ( South Africa ) , Sidewinder ( Namibia ) and New Locations ( Pan African )

    TEL ; 0027 11 880 6686
    FAX ; 0027 11 447 7866
    MOBILE : 0027 82 443 6307
    EMAIL : , ,
    WEB : ,

    Hello Denis
    I am Maria do Carmo from Southwest Productions in Lisbon, Portugal. We think that Portugal is perfect for your shooting purpose. We have the sunshine, the beautiful villages and the green hills. I am sending you same examples for locations.
    If you have some questions please don’t hesitate to email or call me.
    Best regards,
    Maria do Carmo ( )

    Kyme Hallion

    My name is João Montalverne, I am a Production Manager from Filmes do Tejo, a film & commercial production company with full experience in all kind’s of shooting. We think Portugal is the right location for your project. We will send some location photos and if you need you could contact us at +351 21 323 44 00 –

    Merry Xmas and New Year greeting to you all in Moscow, from Lawrence Goodman, Filmscape, Cape Town, South Africa. Would love to be of assistance where ever possible. Would be nice to receive a story board and some sort of treatment so I can put a provisional budget together for you, as i believe Cape Town is the place to shoot such a commercial at this time of year.
    Bye for now and look forward to hearing from you soon

    Takashi Sudo

    Hello Dennis.
    I will email you a password for a viewing suite which I have set up with some location images in the South of Spain.
    I hope they are of interest – remember that in the South of Spain we have the mildest weather in the European winter and it has been a very dry one so far.
    Belinda Lewin
    Bee’s Pictures

    Hi Lawrence Goodman here again, forgot the most important thing, that’s right, my contact details – and the phone numbers are +27 21 461 7950 (work phone), +27 21 461 7951 (fax) or +27 83 301 6336 (mobile)

    Bye for now

    Emma Parsons

    Hi Denis
    Brad Logan from BLM Productions in South Africa here.
    I would think that the Cape town area would be a good place to look at for your production. There are numerous quaint villages with vineyards surrounding them across alot of the western cape region. If you could maybe send me any reference pics you have so that i may try and find a match for you from our database. This would be a great help.
    There is another region in Durban that could also work for your “green’ european feel if we dont manage to find it in CT.
    My contact details are as follows:
    +27 83 232 1758
    Look forward to hearing from you.
    Kindest Regards
    Happy New Year!!

    Lynn Gaines

    Hi Denis

    Cape Town in South Africa should be ideal for your requiremements. We have all the infrastructure you’ll need. If you are happy to send a stroyboard, I will work out a plan and send reference pictures.

    All the best

    Gavin Sweeney
    Exec Producer
    Dancing Light Productions
    +2782 414 8452 (mobile)
    +27 21 433 2055 (tel)

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