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Forums Tour Eiffel image usage

This topic contains 3 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Trevor Corran 9 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Hello everyone,
    I’m writing for the first time on this forum (thanks TLG!) cause I have an issue that I’m not able to figure it out. I have a Green screen shoot and the client is asking me to use the Eiffel Tower behind the main character. I Could not find any info in the web about rights usage for the Eiffel Tower (only by the night so far I read). As I’m not an expert on France territory, may I ask you a help with this?!
    May I buy an image of Eiffel Tower from Getty/Shutterstock, etc. and freely use it?! or do I have to pay any right of usage on the top of it?!
    My best

    Hi Edo,
    technically it’s not the tower itself that is copyrighted, it’s the lights on the tower.
    Usage of these images is subject to prior request from the ‘Société d’Exploitation de la Tour Eiffel’ (the Eiffel Tower’s operating company, or SETE).
    You should contact them:

    Hello Danie, thanks very much for your reply!
    So, if it would be a day shooting image (with no Tower lights), the usages would be not required. I can use stock image without paying any sort of “copyright”. Have I understood correctly?!
    Thanks very much

    David Sikobe

    Hi guys, thanks for your replies.
    If I would need Tour Eiffel in a daylight situation, what kind of permits I would need?

    Andrew Hodge

    Hello Everyone,

    To resume :

    1 – Eiffel Tower in the background by night needs approval of the Company which own the tower and you will have copyrights to pay. Don’t forget that you need permits from the town and the police also to shoot on the streets.

    2 – Eiffel Tower in the background by day doesn’t need the approval of the company which own the tower. You will need permits from the town and the police to shoot on the streets.

    Please find a link to help you :

    If you need help to find & scout locations in France give us a call or a message.



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