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Forums Pre-Production Forum Train stations and train needed for short film

This topic contains 13 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Nicola Bouchard 15 years, 7 months ago.

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 15 total)
  • Author
  • Can anybody help me to find two different train station platforms to film on and an interior train sequence for a short film shooting in August?

    Many thanks,

    can you film in Ukraine

    yas kotake

    hi steven, there is some trainstations in berlin you could shoot at. could you please send me some reference pics of the train you have in mind and the platform? is there a certain budget for the location? how many hours do you need the station. day or night? would a tubestation work as well?

    i know, lots of questions. but answers would be extremly helpful to send you some serious proposals. cheers,

    Erica Ko

    hi steven,

    in poland we have a lot of different train stations (modern old, big and small)…maybe you would come to us to shoot your film…it’s pretty easy to get the right location and it’s still not expensive…please send me some references photos and more details of your project.
    kind regards

    Hi Steve,
    You are welcome to shoot in Lithuania. If You are Interested please send me more information about Your project and I will try to Help You.
    Best Regards

    From Argentina a couple of options
    Julieta Camarda

    Louisa Gomez

    Hi Steven,
    I’ve just sent you an email, but just in case I attach some real-life train station pics from Ukraine.

    All best,

    Adam Thal

    Hi Steven,

    Italy could be the ideal place for finding the right locations.
    Feel free to contact me.

    All the best

    Massimo Auteri
    m: +39 335 545 1264

    Hi Steve what sort of train are you after and can you be more specific about what sort of station? Rob

    I haven’t used this before, sorry here’s my contact details; 07939 042361

    Thanks so much to everyone who has posted here so far. The European stations look great but our budget won’t stretch to foreign travel on this shoot. So I’m primarily looking for 2 rural train stations in the south East of England and also a train to film on.

    Hope this extra info helps.

    Many thanks,

    The Bluebell Line in Kent has two stations and several trains though it’s all quite period. I did a huge recce of private railway lines and stations for The Saint a few years ago but I’m sure things won’t have changed much.

    Hi Steven
    Filming with the railways is very specialised as the H&S implications are significant and many train operators are unwilling to respond as they get so many poorly targeted enquiries. Check out and give me a ring. I was consultant for the short ‘Open Return’ which filmed in Nottingham, Birmingham, Exeter and Barnstaple stations plus a private line in Derbyshire for the travelling train interiors. I can help you, even if you want to keep in the SE.

    Hi Steven

    Seen your post and perhaps you may be interested in Lincs Wolds Railway at Ludborough in Lincolnshire?

    I’ve approached them before, they’re a bunch of enthusiasts as opposed to local authority run or an agency.

    Details as follows and a few pics attached..They have old trains and a station too..I have more photos if you email me directly..It’s twee and well out in the English countryside if thats what you’re looking for? and probably at a good price too?

    PS..i know lincs quite well, if you need an LM up there..?

    “LINCS WOLDS RAILWAY Ludborough St David Ambler 01507 363 881 / Neil Brown 01472 250 562

    Hey Steve,

    I believe you are looking for locations in Europe and geographicaly speaking Cuba is not in Europe, however we have great locations to offer. If it does not work this time you can think of us on your next projects.

    Check out following location link:

    All my best

    Nelson Navarro
    Island Film

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 15 total)

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