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Forums Pre-Production Forum TVC Shoot in Japan or Korea?

This topic contains 6 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Andrew Leung 17 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Author

  • Andrew Leung

    We are looking for a production company either in Japan or S.Korea who can support us if we
    were to shoot there on 3rd week of October. Informations about getting the shooting permit
    procedure & weather condition are very helpful. Thank you. Kindly email some info to >
    (Ahmad Fadzil)

    Justin Quah

    Hi Ahmad

    I recommend the two following companies:

    Japan: Twenty First City – Contact: Georgina Pope
    Web –

    South Korea – BusFilm – Web



    Hello, we can find you a good prod. service company in Japan, but please be aware that shooting in Japan would be quite costly and getting location permit would not be so easy like in US. Weather will be stable in late October. If you need further info, please email me at
    miki kuretani/ IFD

    Andrew Leung

    Thank you everybody for contacts recommendation and especially to Cameron Kim for an immediate info about Korea. Appreciated all your effort responding my post and I will contact you guys soon.. Regards @Ahmad

    If you have not yet got a contact, try Mr Makoto Kawamura, he is the film co-ordinator at the Southern Africa Agency Japan, he could point you in the right direction. His contact mail is
    Good luck and best wishes from sunny Cape Town.

    Hi Ahmad
    Georgina Pope at 21st City is great. We shot a HSBC job with her 2 years ago and were very satisfied

    Lucia Turri

    If we can be of any assistance regarding ANIMALS or STUNTS please cal – WAYNE DOCKSEY BSc (Hons) CBiol MIBiol ANIMAL Master/STUNT Co-ordinator. Tel: +44 7831800567

    Hello, Justin here from JaidCreative Productions in Tokyo. My wife and I own and run a production company in Tokyo. Please look at our website. Please send us your details and we can put a estimate together for you. I think you will find us the to be the best value and of the highest quality. Thank You!


    Justin Carson Owner / Producer Jaid Creative Productions 5-12-27 Shirokane, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0072 Japan TEL: +81 3 5423-6855 FAX: +81 3 5423-6856 Mobile:+81 80 3004 4057 Email:

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