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Forums URGENT Red Cliffs, grey cliffs, high rises – EUROPE

This topic contains 4 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Philip Ruesch 11 years, 11 months ago.

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
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  • We are seeking a location in Europe for a car shoot.

    We need to combine ALL THREE of these elements – RED ROCKS + CITY HIGH RISE + GREY ROCKS/ FOREST
    We do not want these locations to be more than drive away from each other, so one country; neighboring areas.

    Please send suggestions only if you have suggestions of areas we can COMBINE all 3 of these elements.

    Email with suggestions.
    Thank you

    Sue Elliott

    Dear All,
    Please find attached some ref of locations in the South of France which we gather should suit your requirements
    All these locations are within short driving distance from each other
    Should you be interested ,please do not hesitat to contact us
    All the very best,
    Antoine Sabarros
    Line producer
    Bay Vista Production


    You can do your production in Portugal!
    Please contac us for other informations.

    Gerardo Fernandes
    service producer

    John Duffy

    I am writing from Istanbul, Turkey.
    We can find both here in Turkey even near in Istanbul.
    You may visit our website for more photographs.
    Please find the references below.
    Please do not hesitate to contact us for any further questions.

    Kind Regards,

    M:+90 533 646 63 79

    I think Portugal combine all the locations you need.
    I’ ll send you a private message in a few minutes.

    Joel Urbina

    We can offer you all what you are looking and also full support in execution.
    Locations are in Croatia, please contact me for more pictures and exact locations as also visit to location.

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

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