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  • in reply to: Looking for fixers in Israel

    Ambi Pratama

    Dear Yoann Rif,

    Zed Films produced over the past 12 years 10 world acclaimed documentaries and 2 feature films of its own. In addition we’ve serviced production companies from the UK, Germany, France, USA, Australia with documentaries, dramas and feature films for the BBC, Discovery Channel, National Geographic, PBS and many more.

    We provide the local support from the research stages, seeking local finance if necessary and or tax benefits to help our customers.
    Our vast experience and contacts enable us to cut across many red tapes and get you the best results for the least efforts with minimal costs.

    Our website offers additional insight to who we are and what we do and some references of past clients:
    We will be happy to offer our services and help you in the making of your film.

    I can be reached 24/7 on my mobile: 972-50-5400532 or via skype: nimrodzed or simply feel free to drop me a line:

    Thank you and have a pleasant weekend

    Nimrod Shanit

    Ambi Pratama

    Dear Julia,

    As mentioned, Israel would be your ideal location as both the weather conditions this time of year is gorgeous and the vicinity of the two requested locations is negligible.
    You will also find Israel to be most welcoming to East European productions as at least 40% of the population immigrated from Ex-USSR states in the 1990’s.
    The camera gear available is just as good and sometimes better then you would find anywhere in Europe and the crews are professionally and extremely passionate about helping you achieve your desirable goal.
    We will be more then pleased to help and can assure attractive rates.

    Thank you

    in reply to: Orange tree locations in December and January

    Ambi Pratama

    Dear George,

    As previously mentioned, Israel offers great locations, professional crews. film and HD gear, affordable Vat free rates, great weather and much more…
    Please visit our website for more information:
    We will be happy to extend all our knowledge and expertise in order to facilitate your next production.

    Faithfully yours,
    Nimrod Shanit

    in reply to: israel

    Ambi Pratama

    Contact info was missing:

    Zed Films Contact details:
    tel: +97235622252
    Mobile: +972505400532


    in reply to: israel

    Ambi Pratama

    Dear Lezlie Belzberg,
    Zed Films was comissioned on numerous occasions by the BBC and Discovery Channel for similar productions, I believe.
    Such works include: “Days that shook the world” and “Future weapons”
    We will be thrilled to extend our help in the realization of your film.
    We have vast experience in accessing tax subsidies and will be happy to help find necessary resources.
    I hope we could be of service and will be happy to provide references for our work.

    in reply to: Orange juice fabrics

    Ambi Pratama

    Dear Yulia,

    Israel is the home of the “Jaffa” oranges brand and offers a wide range of orange orchards.
    There’s a huge packing facility that offers an appealing filming location.
    Several years ago we filmed a video dance in this location and I will be happy to send you the clip for preview.
    Enclosed are several photos taken last week of a small orchard easily accessible. There are plenty more we could offer.
    Please don’t hesitate to contact us for further details.
    Faithfull yours,
    Nimrod Shanit


    Ambi Pratama

    Israel has a great selection of beaches to offer and the weather is simply terrific with no rain in sight and a summer feel all around.
    I’ve attached some sample photos but there are plenty more options to choose from.
    Furthermore we have a wide selection of facilities equipment and excellent crews to choose from.
    Please don’t hesitate to contact me for further info


    in reply to: locations

    Ambi Pratama

    Israel has a great selection of locations to offer and the weather is simply terrific.
    Furthermore we have a wide selection of facilities equipment and excellent crews to choose from.
    Please don’t hesitate to contact me for further info


    Ambi Pratama

    Israel has a great selection of shopping malls to offer and the weather is simply terrific so that you could easily shoot with very few additional lighting.
    I’ve attached one smaple photo but there are plenty more options to choose from.
    Furthermore we have a wide selection of facilities equipment and excellent cres to choose from.
    Please don’t hesitate to contact me for further info


    in reply to: Shooting Atown like Baghdad

    Ambi Pratama

    I believe we could offer a simplified solution and recreate Bagdhad for you in Amman Jordan, where you could travel with cars and save yourself the travel expanses.
    Please don’t hesitate to contact me for further info


    in reply to: Fake tomato fields in november

    Ambi Pratama

    Israel is the best possible location dor this season.
    Israel is well acclaimed for its agricultural advanced technolgies and has several tomato fields where one could film.
    The lush green North offers one possibility for tomato fields and in the South you will find tomatoes grown in desert conditions.
    Furthermore israel has a wide selection of camera gear and excellent crews.
    I will be happy to assist in whatever means I can, please don’t hesitate to contact us for further info.

    in reply to: locations for car still photography

    Ambi Pratama

    I can only suggest you visit Israel, where you will find an added value to all of your requests in the form of adding the spirtual dimension of the Holy land. You will also find Israel to be cheaper than most places, a football stadium should cost no more than 2500 Euros for the day. If you require any assistance, please contact us directly on You are invited to watch our website for more information:

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)

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