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  • in reply to: Nicaragua customs for camera kit

    Hi Tony

    I’ve filmed in Nicaragua and live here. Yes, coming in with equipment can be tricky. I’d say definitely get a shipping agent to help push it through. Our camera kit was held for 24 hours and we had someone to go and ‘sort it out’ quite quickly. And we had a carnet too. Customs can just be tricky and a bit tedious. Need patience and an agent who can ‘facilitate the process’ to avoid losing time etc. Beware of agents who say they sort it all out but may not have the necessary contacts (most people will say anything to get work/cash). Worth having some extra $$s too..


    Hi Quiche.. is that who I think it is??!! ..if so, how rrrrrrrr u?

    A friend forwarded me your post. I’m currently in Nicaragua, but free-ish. Congo is a…mm.. challenging place to go & shoot, plus not without its risks ! (know Africa quite well & shot there a few times). What is the doc/film about & what would shoot entail.. could you send a few details?

    I’ve attached a biog & presskit from my last film ‘Calvet’. I don’t mention it in the biog but i shot 15-20 travel docs for Lonely Planet over the years all over the world among other stuff. Also here’s the biog page on the Calvet website – which was on Bafta list for best foreign language film 2 yrs ago, screened in loads of film fests worldwide & was released in cinemas in UK, France & Nicaragua.

    Have a fab weekend..

    Best, Dominic

    in reply to: Filming in Nicaragua?

    My PM has just told me: if it is not a commercial production (ads), the crew is small and they don’t need access to private locations or heritage locations then they won’t need a permit. But a letter from Tania, and the embassy blessings, will go a long way in a country where many try to make a dollar out of … ‘people seen as wealthy’!

    in reply to: Filming in Nicaragua?

    Hello – You first have to go through your local/nearest Nicaraguan embassy; and then contact the Instituto Nicaraguense de Turismo (in Nicaragua). The contact there for us was Tania Estrada.

    Intur Nicaragua – Managua
    Tania Estrada

    Instituto Nicaragüense De Turismo
    00 505 254 5191

    Take a lot of care making sure you have someone at Managua (?) airport to help you through customs with the right forms etc. We were promised this by the Instituto de Turismo, but no one was there and our forms apparently insufficient. We knew someone who knew someone who helped us out. So use an agent or be sure the person from teh Instituto will be there and that you have a mobile number or two!

    Also, in some cases, getting ‘permits’ to film in small towns may be unnecessary. We were never stopped and some officials ask for unofficial fees to issue permits which Managua head office say should be free!

    Good luck (great country!)
    Best > Dominic Allan

    in reply to: Private detective in the Sout of France

    Thank you, Isabelle.

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