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  • in reply to: Need 3 markets (European, Indian and Arabian)

    claus meding

    Hi Katya,

    Do I understand you would like the three different markets to be located in one country?
    Interior or exterior?
    In Holland we have of course loads of ‘European markets’ with vegetables, flowers, cheese, fish and clothes.
    But also we have a very large Arab market (indoor) and an Indian market (outdoors).

    If you like I can sent you pictures.

    Harriet Sanders

    in reply to: far west cowboys texas-western

    claus meding

    SPAIN is the place to be. This is where hundreds of famous Westerns were shot. Think of Clint Eastwood in: ‘A Fistful of Dollars’ or ‘The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly’.
    Also ‘Doctor Zhivago’ and some scenes of ‘Indiana Jones’ were shot here.
    For many years the Americans came to SPAIN to create their Spaghetti Westerns.

    For more info please contact me;

    in reply to: Beer stylist

    claus meding

    Hi Anthony, of course Holland got beer stylists.
    Heineken beer is from Holland, Amstel as well and so many more.

    I sent you 2 names of beer stylists based in Holland;

    good luck! Harriet Sanders

    claus meding

    Hi Julia,

    Have a look at this website:
    Very experienced group of composers in Amsterdam, Holland, fully equipped own studio.

    good luck!

    Harriet Sanders

    in reply to: Pseudo Havana

    claus meding

    Hi Agniezka, every year I live three months in Havana. You can ‘double’ Havana in any run-down formal Spanish colony. Or even in an unpolished part of Spain. Keep in mind Havana is located along the sea. This means you should find a town which also overlooks the sea, because of the special light caused by the salted water. Strangely enough, even some poor parts at the east coast of Brasil (south from Bahia) remind me of Cuba. Brasil has been originally Portugese but still it looks very dramatic.
    In the last couple of years Old Havana has changed drastically. They fixed up part of it. It became very touristic and feels as if you walk through a slide show. I guess that’s not the atmosphere you are looking for?

    If you want me to brainstorm with you, be my guest!

    Harriet Sanders

    in reply to: Research Guide in Amsterdam

    claus meding

    Please have a look in your mailbox, I already sent you my details. I am a fully experienced location scout, born and raised in Amsterdam.
    It is my pleasure to show you the best spots of my hometown. Just let me know what exactly you are interested to see, and I’ll compose a nice tour for you.

    au revoir!

    Harriet Sanders

    in reply to: Location

    claus meding

    In Holland we have a small airport, 60 km from Amsterdam.
    People go to this airport to take lessons.
    It also has a real arrival-departure building.

    In case you are looking for a European atmosphere, this might be good.

    Just let me know and I’ll find out all the details.

    in reply to: Looking for cow farms surrounded by nice landscapes

    claus meding

    Hi Julia.

    Holland is a famous milk and cheese country. We got loads of cowfarms. In every region the farms have a different architecture. The shape varies a lot. Dutch cows are mostly black and white or brown and white. Most of the country is as flat as a table. No mountains, Julia! I don’t know what landscape you are looking for?

    Please do come over if you are in the mood for some delicious butter, milk and cheese.
    Be my guest!

    in reply to: Looking for Huge Library Worldwide

    claus meding

    Hi Irena,

    Also in Holland old libraries are available. I’ll submit three examples of different buildings.
    You are welcome to contact me.

    Harriet Sanders
    location scout


    claus meding

    Hi Tommy, Why not Amsterdam? We got lots of streets with spectacular colorful lights. Not only red lights.., but all sorts of colors. Along the canals, the light even reflects in the water.
    You can choose between fancy modern architecture and 17th century buildings. Plenty of possibilities.

    You are welcome to contact me;

    in reply to: Looking for a fixer in Amsterdam

    claus meding

    Hi Benjamin,

    You are welcome to contact me. I am based in Amsterdam.

    in reply to: apples in april

    claus meding

    In Holland we produce plenty green, red, and a lot of other variations of apples. The end of April is springtime here and the trees are still blossoming. Our apples grow during summer. The harvest is between end of august and october.

    in reply to: Looking for Wind Mills

    claus meding

    I am fully aware Holland is not the district you were asking for. But our windmills are actually world famous. A lot of them are still working. I got a big collection of them. You can find them all over Holland. Many different types and variations.. Some are located single in a wide landscape, others are standing in a row.

    greetz from Amsterdam, Harriet Sanders

    in reply to: Looking for a tropical forest/jungle

    claus meding

    Dominica or next to it Guadeloupe are by far the best locations for jungle shoots.
    You are not going to believe your eyes. Lush, green, mysterious, and very convenient to reach.

Viewing 14 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)

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