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Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)
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  • in reply to: Fixer required in Barcelona

    Big, small… whatever you need I can help him through our company PUENTEAEREO FILMS
    Here a link to our site:
    We work offering production services and we have our own local production area, with our own directors.
    I will be pleased to help you or giving you advise.

    Marta Pérez-Porro
    +34 639 38 26 18

    in reply to: Local Equipment companies Barcelona

    Hi dear hereby my suggestions:
    They are the best in,lighting equipments and materials, best prices as well.
    The best option for camera equipments and grip/ dollies/ cranes… They develop their own systems and they sell them all over the world. Also have lighting
    They are association of techniciens, electric & grip crews, the best, and they can offer the whole pack with camera, lighting and grip. Associated with international suppliers like GFM in Munich. Perfect combination of human and equipment solutions

    Take a look to the three options but please, consider that if you deal through a local producer like myself the deals will be better and smother!!!!!!!!

    in reply to: Fixer in Barcelona

    Hi Cho, I can give you a hand through the production company Puente Aereo, and also just as a free lance if the production is a small project.
    I’m line producer/ production manager and I have been so for long, long time. I love my city and I tell you, I can advise you about the best approach, put together the best team, find the most incredible locations …

    Hi dear!!!
    No problem wardrobe and make up on set!! But what else do you need??
    Big production or small crew???
    Do you need a production service company or just some help from free lances??
    I can help you for sure either way. Let me know. Here, happy to help you


    in reply to: Production service is needed

    Hi Julia,

    I see already lots of replys, some from Spain as well. Here one more!!!
    We are Production company with 15 years experience, and we combine production services as well . From our two main bases in Spain, Madrid and Barcelona, we can cover the whole country. I’m sure you know the good conditions and variety of locations we can offer.

    We would love to get in contact to you and help, even if you just want a try our costs and possibilities.

    Receive my best

    Marta Pérez-Porro
    International Producer

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

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