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    Mirta Jusic

    Hi Olia, I’d like you to consider Zagreb with parks forming a “green horseshoe” in the centre, larger parks and two lakes you can drive around just on the outskirts, which look great on a sunny springtime day, and some attractive new buildings which look stunning in the evening with their lights on.

    Contact me if you’d like to see some pictures and suggestions.


    Mirta Jusic, Producer
    Croatian Locations
    Full Location and Production Services

    in reply to: Small village in Europe

    Mirta Jusic

    Hi Alise.

    How about one of these?
    Excellent roads, wonderful food, very good accommodation.

    Please click on my profile below and e-mail me your contact info so that we can discuss the details.


    Mirta Jusic, Fixer, Location Scout and Manager

    Mirta Jusic

    Dear Athan,

    I am a former journalist and a fixer with two decades of experience in the area you described, with very good understanding of the local cultures. I specialise in documentaries and I often organise shootng in the countries you mentioned for BBC, National Geographic, Discovery Channel and many others. I’ll be happy to set-up your shooting and accompany you on your journey through these four contries. Please contact me directly, I just sent you an e-mail with more details.



    in reply to: Looking for a Beach with Shallow Water!

    Mirta Jusic

    Hello Riccardo,

    There are beaches in Croatia that fit your requirements, including the fact that you can walk for more than 300 m, and the water would still be at your knees.

    What are your shooting dates? The price and availability will depend on them.


    Croatian Locations,
    Zagreb, Croatia

    Location Scouting, Location Management
    Location and Production Services

    in reply to: Line Poland

    Mirta Jusic

    Hi Sean,

    I suggest you consider Croatia for your low budget film:

    – The Croatian locations are getting more and more popular among the international filmmakers for a number of good reasons.
    – I am interested in international co-productions. I have three decades of experience as a line producer.
    – My production services company can offer you all the support you need – from permits, budgeting and planning, procurement and shooting logistics to vehicles, equipment rental and experienced, English-speaking crew.
    – You can also do the post here, if you like.
    – And all of this for a fraction of price you would be paying at home.

    Please contact me to discuss the possibilities.



    in reply to: Golden wheat field

    Mirta Jusic

    Hi, Balim, this is what we can offer you in Croatia:

    in reply to: Port Location

    Mirta Jusic

    Hi Mandy,

    We can offer you ports, airports, hangars, deserted or half-built and then abandoned buildings, and some very attractive roads for test drives in Croatia.

    Please e-mail me do discuss the details and possible shooting dates.


    Mirta Jusic,
    Your Fixer in Croatia


    Mirta Jusic

    Dear Marko,

    I am a Fixer, Local Producer, Location Scout and Location Manager, and my company specialises in Location Services. I have been setting up shooting and managing locations for foreign TV and film crews in Croatia and Bosnia for two decades.

    Just last year (February through August), me and my team scouted locations in Istria for a British TV series, I was their Local Producer/Fixer and Location Manager, and we also provided runners, location assistants, drivers, procurement, rentals etc.

    Each of the six episodes was shot on four locations, which means that after four recce trips and shooting six episodes, we have up-to-date contacts, and my drivers, location assistants and runners already know Istria like the back of their palms :)

    Feel free to write and talk to me in Slovenian.

    Mirta Jusic Dovodja, CEO,
    Producer, Fixer, Location Manager
    Svetosimunska 82
    10000 Zagreb

    Mobile phone: +385 91 594 88 24
    Landline: +385 1 562 17 12
    Skype: mirta.jusic.d

    in reply to: Fixer For Croatia, Portugal, And Morocco

    Mirta Jusic

    Hi Merri,

    I sent you an e-mail directly earlier today with my contact details. Feel free to call or Skype me to discuss the details regarding shooting in Croatia. I am in GMT +1 time zone.


    Mirta Jusic, Fixer, Croatia

    in reply to: Seeking Executive Producers for Short Film

    Mirta Jusic

    Hallo Xavier,

    I might be interested. Please send me details to my e-mail.


    Mirta Jusic, Producer, CEO
    Zagreb, Croatia

    in reply to: Looking for Studio ( indoor street setup)

    Mirta Jusic

    Hi Balim, I can offer you several studios in Zagreb, Croatia, but I’ll need more details from you regarding the street. I e-mailed you my contact details.



    Mirta Jusic

    Hi Vicki,

    I can offer you a perfect location in Croatia that has all you need (and more :) ), only two hours from the Zagreb international airport Pleso, with accommodation at the foot of the mountain.

    It’s a scenic cycling path that offers beautiful scenery, passing along a lovely, clear stream which forms a few natural ponds along the way. And there are several camping grounds up in the mountains.

    My Croatian Locations team offers help with your budgeting and planning, shooting permits, full logistics support, procurement, experienced English speaking crew, equipment, vehicles, craft, accommodation etc. We already worked with Hong Kong on a commercial for Samsung with the Asian National Geographic branch and Fox. They were satisfied with the way we work, and they loved all the locations in the still preserved, unpolluted nature I suggested for that shoot.

    We also own three drones, with a professional crew (pilot, cameraman and a spotter, as required by the law here) all the necessary licenses and permits, and properly insured. Drones are indespensable on such a shoot.

    Feel free to call me on my mobile +385 91 594 8824 or via skype (mirta.jusic.d) to discuss the details. I’ll be happy to organise a recce for you and your client whenever you’re ready, so that you can see the location for yourself and then decide.

    I am in the Greenwich +1 time zone, currently on the daylight saving time, your 9 a.m. is my 3 p.m., feel free to call me until my 11 p.m.


    Mirta Jusic Dovodja, Producer,
    and the Croatian Locations team,
    Zagreb, Croatia

    in reply to: Shooting location grape garden – winter

    Mirta Jusic

    We have lots of grape gardens (wineyards) in Croatia, feel free to e-mail some more details about your requirements.

    in reply to: Production service request in Croatia or Greece.

    Mirta Jusic

    Dear Nicolai, we’ll be happy to offer you the locations you need in Croatia and our production services.

    Mirta Jusic and team,
    Zagreb, Croatia


    Mirta Jusic

    Hello Jessica, I have several possible locations for you in different parts of Croatia that look just like that.

    Do you know when exactly in March? That will decide which ones I’ll suggest to you.


    fixer and location scout in Croatia and Bosnia

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 20 total)

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