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  • in reply to: desert sequences

    Our other possibilities are THE MOJAVE DESERT and DEATH VALLEY.

    Numerous tv commercials and features have used these locations for “sahara” like locations.

    Please find attached

    Nicholas Simon
    Smacs Inc. // Indochina Productions
    310 948 3773

    in reply to: desert sequences

    We have a number of options for you.

    the first is this selection from Vietnam – and the second are the Mojave Desert and Death Valley in California (i will post these photos in a seperate entry).

    Vietnam – we have shot numerous tv commercials on the sand dunes. You can also watch the clip of STEP INTO LIQUID on our website that has a sequence shot there.

    December-January is a very good time of the year as it is the height of the dry season.

    There are 5 star accommodations within fifteen minutes of these dunes.

    Nicholas Simon
    Indochina Productions/Smacs Inc.
    310 948 3773

    in reply to: wheat field

    Sorry to say that Texas our most southern wheat grower only has wheat in the fields in april-June.

    I suggest contacting harry tracosas at (no cost to you) and he will be able to suggest which countries around the world have wheat in the field at during your required time frame.

    Nicholas Simon
    Smacs Inc.

    in reply to: LOCATIONS REQUEST

    If you want to use the power of the euro and get the most amazing car shots, come to california! we will be the same price or cheaper!

    put you up in the chateau marmont for 200euros a night. dance with the stars, shoot with an amazing crew and if you want even post with a-list editors/sound designers etc.

    we have done it before for the dutch (john doe and n=5 and numerous car spots) – they have less money than the english!

    nicholas simon
    smacs inc. in los angeles and for vietnam, cambodia and laos

    in reply to: Orange tree locations in December and January

    yes we have trees with orange hanging fruit in dec. and jan.

    we offer competative rates (in USD) and high quality crews and talent.

    previous all california work please see this link.

    and my credits on

    nicholas simon
    indochina productions (vietnam, cambodia and laos) // smacs inc (united states)
    310 948 3773

Viewing 5 posts - 16 through 20 (of 20 total)

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