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  • in reply to: Mexico City – Street Food – Fixer

    Hello, we can recommend several persons, some have already wrote to you. If you wish, you can write us at and also at

    Best regards,

    Mexican Film Commission

    in reply to: Seeking Locations In Latin/South America or Mexico

    Hi, I’m sending you the contact Information of the Film Commissions in Yucatán and Quintana roo, you’ll also find a few photos. Please contact us for any further information. Regarding working visas, it will depend on the nationality of your crew members, on the time you’ll be staying in Mexico (less than 180 days) and also if you’ll be paid by a Mexican or foreign company.

    Carlos R. Baqueiro Gamboa
    Public Relations Cordinator
    Ministry of Tourism of the State of Yucatán
    Phone: +52 (999) 930 37 60 ext. 22036
    Fax: +52 (999) 930 37 60 ext. 22036

    Santigo González
    Promotion Director
    Ministry of Tourism of the State of Yucatán
    Phone: +52 (999) 930 37 60 ext 22015

    Mónica Millán Gutiérrez-Zamora
    Public Relations Support Director
    Ministry of Tourism of the State of Quintana Roo
    Phone: +52 (998) 881 9000

    Warm wishes,

    Karen Witt
    Mexican Film Commission / Comisión Mexicana de Filmaciones
    Mexican Film Institute / Instituto Mexicano de Cinematografía (IMCINE)
    + 52 (55) 5448-5329 ext. 5329

    in reply to: Seeking Locations In Latin/South America or Mexico

    Good afternoon, send you the information from The Yucatan Film Commission. You could ask any information of locations in this city.

    Yucatan Film Commission
    Carlos R. Baqueiro Gamboa
    Coordinador de Relaciones Públicas/Public Relations Cordinator
    Secretaría de Fomento Turístico del Estado de Yucatán
    Centro de Convenciones Yucatán Siglo XXI s/n planta alta
    60 Norte 299-E, Col. Revolución, CP 97118, Mérida, Yucatán
    Tel. +52 (999) 930 37 60 ext. 22036
    Fax. +52 (999) 930 37 60 ext. 22036

    Anything you need please contact us to:
    Monserrat Flores
    Mexican Film Commission
    +52 (55) 5448 5332

    Best regards.

    in reply to: Fixer needed in Mexico

    You can contact Patricia Cano Valle, her webpage is: / email: You can also contact Erick Ceballos, his email is:

    You can find all you’re looking for in Mexico City, not only the type of stores and locations, also all production services, crew, suplies and Film Incentives. Please write to and/or to in order for us to send you detailed information, contact information from production services companies and all you need to know for filming in Mexico City. We’ll gladly assist you with all needs for the film.

    Best regards,

    Mexican Film Commission

    Dear Marie,
    I know you asked for a South American country but if you’re still on the lookout, it doesn’t get any better than Mexico. Our country has been hosting international productions (small, big and huge) since the beginning of the film industry. We are home to one of the best crews in the world, people who have trained with the best filmmakers (Houston, Peckinpah, Cameron, Spielberg, Stone, etc); we are famous for our variety on locations (we are the 4th biodiversity in the world); we have film studios, independent sound stages, film labs, film stock and the latest in equipment. We are a one-stop shop. Plus, we offer fiscal and financial incentives that could give a production up to 17.5% in cash rebates.
    I suggest you check our website for more information
    We have a version in English and photo albums of locations in Flickr, as well as presence in Facebook and Twitter.
    For further details, do no hesitate to contact us at


    Carla Raygoza
    Mexican Film Commission

    in reply to: Cuidad Juarez Producer/Director or Cameraman?

    Dear Marie:

    We are the Mexican Film Commission. My name is Juan Pablo Santa Ana. Responding to your request we have two contacts in the State of Chihuahua, where Ciudad Juarez is located. They´re both producers with documentary experience and also provide the services you need (Director, DoP/Cameraman).

    1) Abigail Villegas Rivera (Producer. Lives in Ciudad Juarez)
    Office(52-656) 207-6930 & 31
    Mobile (52-656) 143-1106

    2)Eduardo Gamboa (Producer. Based in Chihuahua City, 3 hours away from Ciudad Juarez, driving)
    Office(52-614) 261-8166
    Mobile(52-614) 293-7064

    in reply to: late may early june wheat field

    Dear Alex

    I send you a couple photography’s the location is in the state of Morelos and in May start the rain season around here, Morelos is in the Center of México, I send you more pictures from Sonora as soon I can. Thanks.

    Juan Pablo Santa Ana Elnecave
    Jefe de Locaciones

    Comisión Mexicana de Filmaciones (COMEFILM)
    Instituto Mexicano de Cinematografía (IMCINE)
    +52 (55) 5448-5383
    +52 (55) 5448-5322
    +52 (55) 5448-5381 fax

    in reply to: late may early june wheat field

    Hi Dear Alex
    I send you a couple photography’s the location is in the state of Morelos and in May start the rain season around here, Morelos is in the Center of México, I send you more pictures from Sonora as soon I can. Thanks.

    Juan Pablo Santa Ana Elnecave
    Jefe de Locaciones

    Comisión Mexicana de Filmaciones (COMEFILM)
    Instituto Mexicano de Cinematografía (IMCINE)
    +52 (55) 5448-5383
    +52 (55) 5448-5322
    +52 (55) 5448-5381 fax

    in reply to: Looking for Location to Shoot

    I’m the coordinator of the Mexican Film Commission and I’d like to suggest you turn your eyes to our country. Not only do we have the type of people you’re looking for your casting (both European and Latino) but we have all the production services your production needs as well as plenty of bilingual, talented and experienced crew. And let’s not forget about the locations. For the specific location you’re requesting, we’d need a bit more information to start looking. Please get in touch with us
    The production might be also interested to know about our latest financial film incentive that comes in the form of a cash rebate.

    Best regards,

    Carla Raygoza
    Mexican Film Commission

    I’m the coordinator of the Mexican Film Commission. We’ve sent this information out to producers who live and work in the Mexican border. You may have already been contacted by some of them. Let me know if you haven’t found what you’re looking for. Our email address is


    Carla Raygoza

    in reply to: Beautiful Contemp Luxury resort needed

    Hello from the Mexican Film Commission. I see you already got some replies from experienced Mexican producers. I’m sure they could help you find the perfect location for the shoot.

    From our behalf, here are samples of what we can get you in our beautiful Mexican beaches. We trust you’ll love them!

    Best regards,

    Mauricio Pedroza
    Mexican Film Commission
    Tel. +52 (55) 5448 5322

    in reply to: Cannelloni Western

    We are the Mexican Film Commission and would like to offer our assistance in finding the perfect location for your film.

    These images are just a sample of what you can find in Mexico, particularly Durango, where several of the original John Wayne and Sam Pekinpah Westerns were shot. The State is also well known for the quantity and quality of its Movie Trained Horses and Horsemen.The capital city of Durango offers a soundstage FREE of charge. This space was conditioned for the soon to be released feature film Dragonball and remains a part of the state’s incentive program to attract film productions. Another advantage is that depending on how the location is showcased, the state government offers different incentives that make it very attractive for film productions to shoot there.

    At the country level, all foreign film productions may obtain the reimbursement of the 15% VAT.

    Below is our contact information; we hope to hear from you soon.

    Tel. +52 (55) 5448-5383 & 5448-5322

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