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  • in reply to: Filming on Chios Island, Greece

    Hope the link answers your question.


    Kostas Tagalakis


    Anna hi,

    Maybe Greece could be an option for your documentary since appropriate for your shoot and since permits can be acquired on time availability and budget.
    Please note that this location in the photos attached is not operational, is considered a monument and exists in a remote cosmopolitan Greek Island with airport.

    If you find it interesting let me know and i will check availability asap.

    Best Regards,


    Kostas Tagalakis

    Mob. +30 6937121987
    Office: +30 2106833349
    Skype Name: tagalakis (topspotgr)
    Address: 10-12 Kifisias Str., Marousi 15125
    Athens, Attica, Greece

    Jessie hi,

    My name is Kostas Tagalakis and i am a fixer from Athens, Greece.

    Regarding Navagio (Ship Wreck) in Zante is a beach only approachable by boat. There are trips to this beach every day at summer time bringing many many people on the beach except from the days with wind and waves when tourist boats don’t travel there. The trips bring people during all daytime and the last one leaves the beach without people 1 hour or so before sunset. Therefore it would be difficult to shoot a lonely beach under normal circumstances at summer time (June, July, August).
    May could be an option and hiring boats capable of traveling to this beach under a bit windy conditions is recommended and it always depends on how many shooting days you have in a row.
    Of course beach options could be available if needed from your behalf with similarities of the sort (maybe without an abandoned ship).

    In any case let me be at your disposal at all times for any further questions or query.

    Best Regards,


    Kostas Tagalakis

    Mob. +30 6937121987
    Office: +30 2106833349
    Skype Name: tagalakis (topspotgr)
    Address: 10-12 Kifisias Str., Marousi 15125, Athens, Attica, Greece

    in reply to: Looking for a FIXER in GREECE


    My name is Kostas Tagalakis and i am a fixer in Greece.

    Please feel free to visit my website and view the curriculum of my work at any time.

    If appropriate send me the details of your project at any time and I would be more than happy to provide my offer asap.

    Hope to hear from you soon.

    Best regards,

    Kostas Tagalakis

    Mob. +30 6937121987
    Office: +30 2106833349
    Skype Name: tagalakis (topspotgr)
    Address: 10-12 Kifisias Str., Marousi 15125, Athens, Attica, Greece

    in reply to: Need 3 markets (European, Indian and Arabian)

    Katya hi,

    Maybe Athens, Greece is an option for your project?


    Kostas Tagalakis

    Mob. +30 6937121987
    Office: +30 2106833349
    Skype Name: tagalakis (topspotgr)
    Address: 10-12 Kifisias Str., Marousi 15125, Athens, Attica, Greece


    We are a Film Location House and we provide Fixing Services in Greece.

    Regarding VISA if a US were to come to Greece for filming our company should send a letter of invitation to the Greek Embassy in the city you are based (say LA) with the names, passport no, speciality (eg Producer) stating the purpose of your project and the timeframe of stay in Greece.

    Regarding permits for filming in public places within the boundaries of Athens Municipality there is a fixed price for every filming spot of shooting and it amounts to 1335,29 Euros per spot per day. Of course there is always room for negotiation since someone has a workflow kind of relationship with the Athens film office and since there is a volume of locations with permit need. This could even shrink the cost up to 1/3 of the total price sometimes.

    For Ancient / Classical / Protected etc monuments the shooting cost can be lower but there is a license cost added ranging on the use of the final product (eg theater release, internet, publishing on catalog, broadcast or else…) and it can take up to a month of process and approval of content from the Archaeological council to decide and confirm.

    There can be a big variety of public places with low or no cost permits at the suburbs of Athens or in some islands like Mikonos, Corfu etc)

    It is always essential and advised for a better quality, easier and faster access, deal potential and local knowledge issues to have a local Fixer / Company to handle all practical issues for a foreign production visiting as long as there is mutual flexibility chemistry and trust.

    Hope this information helps.

    Best Regards,

    Kostas Tagalakis

    Mob. +30 6937121987
    Office: +30 2106833349
    Skype Name: tagalakis (topspotgr)
    Address: 10-12 Kifisias Str., Marousi 15125, Athens, Attica, Greece

    Hi Jess,

    Maybe an option for your project can be Athens, Greece.

    Best Regards,

    Kostas Tagalakis
    +306937121987 mob

    in reply to: Location Producer in Greece

    Charlotte hi,

    I am a Location Producer from Greece and me and my team would be more than happy to receive more details of your project and provide the necessary feedback for the best possible and competitive support.

    Please feel free to visit our website at any time.

    Hope to hear from you soon.

    Best Regards,

    Kostas Tagalakis
    Location Producer
    Mob. +30 6937121987
    Office: +30 2106833349
    Skype Name: tagalakis (topspotgr)
    Adress: 10-12 Kifisias Str., Marousi 15125, Athens, Attica, Greece

    in reply to: Need a Producer in Greece

    Milin hi,

    I’m a Fixer from Athens, Greece, since 10 years now i work in TVCommercials and Films and hold an extended Film Location Photo Library of my country.

    Please visit and feel free to LOG IN at any time to EXPLORE OUR LIBRARY and get a good idea of what kind of filming locations exist in Greece.

    If appropriate let me know more details in order to support your project.

    Best Regards,

    Kostas Tagalakis
    Fixer Greece
    mob. +30 6937121987

    in reply to: WWII shootout location wanted

    How about Greece?

    Please contact for further details.


    Kostas Tagalakis
    Film Location manager
    mob. +306937121987

    in reply to: Looking for Traveling Amusement Parks for a shoot

    Hello Reiko

    Happy new year from Athens, Greece

    Glad to be of service at any time for the location reference i attach. I believe it has a new section as well with plus a fear amusement theme.

    Best Regards

    Kostas Tagalakis
    Film Location Manager
    cell (0030)6937121987

    in reply to: Location Manager

    Hello from Athens, Greece

    Please send details of your project in order for us to send feedback

    Important would be

    a) variety of spaces needed (eg suite, lobby, ballroom, restaurant…)

    b) hotel style

    c) rent rate

    d) etc

    Thanks in advance

    Kostas Tagalakis
    Location Manager/Producer
    mob. 00306937121987

    Hello from Greece

    I maintain a location house in Greece and me and my team would be happy to assist in any way possible to support your production. We can provide locations, production management, casting, coordination, budgeting, line producing etc

    please send details of your project and we’ll respond asap


    Kostas Tagalakis
    mob. 0030 6937121987

    in reply to: Production service is needed

    Hello from Greece

    We maintain a location house in Greece

    We collaborate with the best production companies ( click clients and again clients) and the best casting houses of course.

    Please sent details of your project


    Kostas Tagalakis
    (0030) 6937121987

    in reply to: Searching for a Fixer or Line Producer in GREECE


    My name is Konstantinos Tagalakis and i’m one of the five location managers in Greece. Of course we all collaborate very well since we are so few. Please feel free to check my work at Me the co founder and my team (two scouters and a location pa) would be more than happy to support any project coming to Greece as long as proper briefing is provided and collaboration details are agreed from both sides. If needed i can recommend or attach to my team production manager or coordinator in order to offer a full service.

    Best Regards
    Konstantinos Tagalakis
    Film Location Manager

    mob. 0030 6937121987
    skype. topspotgr

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 26 total)

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