Written by new-contact on Dec 6, 2012. Posted in Incentive News

Ireland’s Section 481 location filming tax incentive extended to 2020

Ireland’s location filming incentive programme has been extended through to 2020. The Section 481 Film Tax Relief Scheme will become a tax credit model from 2016, a change which might bring other enhancements too.

Jimmy Deenihan TD is Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht: “Moving to a tax credit model will be a significant change, but there is an extended lead-in period to the new arrangements to enable the sector to adapt.

“The extension of the scheme is important for Ireland, for both the jobs that are supported by this sector and our location as a place for film and audiovisual investment.”

The extension and future enhancement of the Irish tax incentive for the film and television industry demonstrates the commitment of the Irish government.

James Morris, Irish Film Board

James Morris is Chairman of the Irish Film Board: “The extension and future enhancement of the Irish tax incentive for the film and television industry demonstrates the commitment of the Irish government to the future of the Irish film and television sector and Ireland’s creative industries.”

Ireland has a strong production industry and in the past few months has hosted TV drama Vikings, as well as the BBC’s upcoming period TV drama Ripper Street. The country will face increased competition if the UK launches a separate TV tax credit in 2013, as is widely expected.


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