
Bulgaria still lacks a formal incentive package for international shoots but the fact that it is so cheap still makes it a huge draw for international productions. As an alternative, productions can receive a full VAT refund on expenditure and there is a flat rate of 10% on personal and corporate income tax.

Connectivity across the continent is easy and local crews have extensive experience of big-budget production.

Many productions are attracted by its value for money and Sofia’s Nu Boyana Film Studios - one of the biggest, and oldest, film studios in the Balkans.

The studio recently hosted a number of international productions incliding hosted Ariel Vromen's Criminal and Babak Najafi's London Has Fallen.
Nu Boyana, and several other facilities, also offer rental, post-production and visual effects services.
Bulgaria boasts a varied geography and climate and its geographical position accounts for its rich culture and history. Roman architecture, Byzantine churches and medieval fortresses sitside by side with traditional villages and gritty communist-era concrete.
Bulgaria offers highly trained and professional crews. English, Italian or French is spoken by the vast majority.
There are no unions and no specific labour regulations concerning filming except when employing minors. Certain rules, mainly regarding work hours, overtime and turnaround periods, are widely accepted as industry standards and are stuck to by producers and production companies. The standard work day is 12 hours.

Having shot films in nine different countries, I have found Bulgaria to be the most complete filming experience in the world. Financially, Bulgaria provides the producer with far more production value for the money than either the US or Western Europe, even when you take into consideration any incentives offered

Les Weldon, Producer


Bulgaria has four distinct seasons. It is generally hot and dry in summer with moderate humidity. Temperatures average 24C in summer months and around freezing in the winter.

Main crops include vegetables, fruits, tobacco, grapes, wheat, barley, sunflowers and sugar beets.

  • Average daily daylight

  • Average daily sunlight

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